How do I find the page ID of a WordPress template?

How do I find the page ID of a WordPress template?

To find a page ID, open your WordPress dashboard and click on Pages > All Pages. Once the page has opened, you need to look at the URL in your web browser’s address bar. Here, you will find the page ID number displayed within the page URL.

How can get current page id in WordPress functions PHP?

function getcity(){ global $wpdb; if($_POST[‘state’]) { $id=$_POST[‘state’]; $district = get_post_meta(get_the_ID() , ‘district’, true); var_dump($district); $result=$wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM districts WHERE state_id=’$id'”); foreach($result as $row) { $district_name = $row- >district_name; $district_id = $row- …

How can I post ID?

How to Get Post IDs in WordPress (5 Methods)

  1. Find The ID Within Each Post’s URL.
  2. Use Custom Code to Display Post IDs in The Posts Tab.
  3. Use a Plugin to Display Post IDs in WordPress.
  4. Find Post IDs Within the WordPress Database.
  5. Use Functions to Fetch WordPress Post IDs.

How to get name of current template file?

An addition (more sweet code) to other answers here. To just get the current page template name, use the following line. Edit: Here’s the new version of the plugin wrapped up in a class. It shows both the current template file name, as well as the template hierarchy file name in the shutdown hook at the most bottom of the page.

How to get the name of the page template?

If you’re on a Page that is using a Page Template, and you want to get the page template’s Name (ie: the human-readable name that you defined in the comments at the top of your template PHP file), you can use this little nugget:

Where can I find the category ID in WordPress?

Just place that code in any template file where a category has been queried, such as category archive pages, and you will be able to get the category id no problem. Another fun trick is if you are looking to display future posts in your query.

How to check if a page template exists in WordPress?

(string|false) Page template filename. Returns an empty string when the default page template is in use. Returns false if the post does not exist. The filename of a Page’s assigned custom template is stored as the value of a Custom Field with a key named ‘_wp_page_template’ (in the wp_postmeta database table).