How do I forward a WordPress site to another website?

How do I forward a WordPress site to another website?

Go to ‘Settings’ in the WordPress admin menu and then click on ‘Website Redirect’. Enter the URL you want to redirect the site to, set the desired redirection type, set the status to ‘Enabled’ and save your changes!

What is forward with masking website?

What is masked domain forwarding? Masked domain forwarding–available only to Domains, Custom Mailbox, Business Mail, and Web Hosting customers–allows you to redirect your domain name to another web site, but conceal the web address of the destination web site.

How do I redirect a domain without changing the URL in WordPress?

How To Redirect Domain Without Changing URL

  1. Enable mod_rewrite. Open terminal and run the following command to enable mod_rewrite on Ubuntu/Debian systems.
  2. Enable . htaccess in Apache Server.
  3. Create .htaccess file.
  4. Redirect Domain Without Changing URL.
  5. Restart Apache Server.

How to activate the content mask plugin in WordPress?

Activate the “Content Mask” plugin. Edit (or Add) a Page, Post, or Custom Post Type. Underneath the page editor, find the “Content Mask Settings” metabox. Click the Checkmark on the left to enable Content Mask. Paste a URL in the Content Mask URL field. Choose a method: Download, Iframe, or Redirect (301).

Is it possible to forward a domain with masking?

Generally/theoritically it should be possible. A year back I was able to do it. This was through domains purchased from godaddy. Only godaddy DNS management panel I was able to do this. (I mean changing nameservers and still be able to add a redirect with masking) I had tried a couple of other onces without success.

Is it safe to mask your WordPress URLs?

Some of those resources are frowned upon by Google, but I never thought that it would affect my blog if I no-followed the links. But the reality of the situation is, you should always mask your link not only to avoid any issues with search engines, but also to avoid folks from hi-jacking your links.

Can a website be forwarded without changing the URL?

I have a wordpress website when i type , the url redirects to I want my wordpress website to be displayed without changing the URL. (my url should be always) Generally/theoritically it should be possible. A year back I was able to do it.