How do I get field Service lightning license add-on?

How do I get field Service lightning license add-on?

From Setup, enter Field Service Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Field Service Settings. Click Enable Field Service Lightning. Note If you don’t have a Field Service Lightning add-on license, you just see an Enable Work Orders option, which is on by default.

How do I install field service lightning?

Before you can start working with Field Service, you must enable it.

  1. In your Field Service Playground, click. then select Setup.
  2. Enter field service in the Quick Find box, then select Field Service Settings.
  3. Click the toggle to enable Field Service and wait for the message that says your changes are saved.

What is lightning scheduler?

Salesforce Scheduler (formerly known as Lightning Scheduler) gives you the tools you need to simplify appointment scheduling in Salesforce. Create a personalized experience by scheduling customer appointments—in person, or by phone or video—with the right person at the right place and time.

What are the three parts of Salesforce Field Service lightning?

Field Service has three main parts that work together to give you a complete field service management solution.

  • Core Field Service features.
  • Scheduling and optimization from a managed package.
  • A mobile app for your mobile workforce.

Who uses field service lightning?

Salesforce Field Service Lightning is most often used by companies with >10000 employees and >1000M dollars in revenue. Our data for Salesforce Field Service Lightning usage goes back as far as 3 years and 7 months….Who uses Salesforce Field Service Lightning?

Company Pentair plc
Revenue >1000M
Company Size >10000

How to create scratch Org in Salesforce Lightning?

To create a scratch org, specify a scratch org definition file. This example uses the default scratch org definition file, project-scratch-def.json. Create Lightning web components in the force-app/main/default/lwc folder. In VS Code, press Command + Shift P, enter sfdx, and select SFDX: Create Lightning Web Component.

How to set the defaultdevhubusername in sfdx?

When you call sfdx force:auth:web:login w/ the -d flag it will also set the defaultdevhubusername that is used for scratch org auth. Alternatively if you already have the user setup in your keychain you can just set the defaultdevhubusername directly without creating a new key chain alias.

How to create a Salesforce DX project in vs?

A Salesforce DX project has a specific structure and a configuration file that identifies the directory as a Salesforce DX project. In VS Code, press Command + Shift P, enter sfdx, and select SFDX: Create Project. You can also run this command from the command line.