How do I get only 10 records in SQL?

How do I get only 10 records in SQL?

To select first 10 elements from a database using SQL ORDER BY clause with LIMIT 10. Insert some records in the table using insert command. Display all records from the table using select statement. Here is the alternate query to select first 10 elements.

How can I get only 10 records in MySQL?

MySQL Select Top N Rows

  1. MySQL Select Top N Rows. Here are the steps to select top N rows in MySQL using LIMIT clause.
  2. MySQL Select top 1 row. Here’s the SQL query to select top 1 row.
  3. MySQL Select top 10 rows.
  4. MySQL Select Top 1 order by desc.
  5. MySQL Select Top 10 highest values.
  6. MySQL Select Top 10 distinct.

How do I get last 10 rows?

The following is the syntax to get the last 10 records from the table. Here, we have used LIMIT clause. SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM yourTableName ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10 )Var1 ORDER BY id ASC; Let us now implement the above query.

How do I select top 10 rows in SQL?


  1. SQL Server / MS Access Syntax. SELECT TOP number|percent column_name(s) FROM table_name;
  2. MySQL Syntax. SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name. LIMIT number;
  3. Example. SELECT * FROM Persons. LIMIT 5;
  4. Oracle Syntax. SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name. WHERE ROWNUM <= number;
  5. Example. SELECT * FROM Persons.

How do I get the last two rows in sql?

To select last two rows, use ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 2.

How do I select the last 3 rows in sql?

SELECT * FROM (select * from suppliers ORDER BY supplier_name DESC) suppliers2 WHERE rownum <= 3 ORDER BY rownum DESC; Notice that although you want the last 3 records sorted by supplier_name in ascending order, you actually sort the supplier_name in descending order in this solution.

What is SQL limit?

The SQL LIMIT statement restricts how many rows a query returns. A LIMIT statement appears at the end of a query, after any ORDER BY statements. You can start a LIMIT statement at a particular row using the offset argument. Limit allows you to limit the number of records a query to a certain amount.

How do I ignore the first row in SQL?

If you want to skip a certain number of rows but not limit how many rows to return, simply don’t indicate a FETCH clause. For example, the following query skips 50 rows but doesn’t limit the number of returned rows: SELECT orderid, orderdate, custid, empid FROM Sales.

Is there a next 20 rows after top 10?

Without an explicit ordering, there is no next 20 after the first 10 to be had.. do you mean offset clause ? OFFSET excludes the first set of records. OFFSET can only be used with an ORDER BY clause.

How to select the next row in SQL?

You need to use something like a CTE (Common Table Expression) and a ROW_NUMBER to define row numberings for your data set – then select from that numbered CTE for the set of rows you want:

How to select number of rows in table?

2) Use CTE to assign logical row number for each row in my table. 3) Select number of rows using row number interval and BETWEEN clause. WITH CTE AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER () OVER (order by MyColumn1, MyColumn2, MyColumn3) AS Row#, t.*

When to use the keyword row instead of next?

FETCH clause. The FETCH clause specifies the number of rows or percentage of rows to return. For the semantic clarity purpose, you can use the keyword ROW instead of ROWS, FIRST instead of NEXT. For example, the following clauses behavior the same: