How do I get part of a string in Bash?
Using the cut Command Specifying the character index isn’t the only way to extract a substring. You can also use the -d and -f flags to extract a string by specifying characters to split on. The -d flag lets you specify the delimiter to split on while -f lets you choose which substring of the split to choose.
How do you slice a string in Linux?
cut command in Linux with examples
- -b(byte): To extract the specific bytes, you need to follow -b option with the list of byte numbers separated by comma.
- -c (column): To cut by character use the -c option.
- -f (field): -c option is useful for fixed-length lines.
How to extract a value from a string in Bash?
You probably want to extract it rather than remove it. You can use the Parameter Expansion to extract the value: Note that bash can only compare integers, it has no floating point arithmetics support. You can use bash regex support with the =~ operator, as follows: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!
How to extract a substring from NTH in Bash?
Using the cut Command We can extract from the Nth until the Mth character from the input string using the cut command: cut -c N-M. As we’ve discussed in an earlier section, our requirement is to take the substring from index 4 through index 8. Here, when we talk about the index, it’s in Bash’s context, which means it’s a 0-based index.
How to extract exactly a part of a variable?
Another solution to extract exactly a part of a variable: If your filename always have the format stuff_digits_… you can use awk: In english, you can think of it behaving like this: the FN string is iterated character by character until we see an _ at which point the capture group is opened and we attempt to match five digits.
How to extract the last word from a string?
The second split would split by / and store the last word ( joebloggs) into a variable I know how to do this in php using arrays and splits but I am a bit lost in bash. To extract joebloggs from this string in bash using parameter expansion without any extra processes…