How do I get recordId in LWC component?

How do I get recordId in LWC component?

When the component is created, go to its . js file.

  1. import { LightningElement, api } from ‘lwc’;
  2. export default class RecordIdInLWC extends LightningElement {
  3. }
  4. //Inside export part introduced a variable for recordId by using @api decorator.
  5. import { LightningElement, api } from ‘lwc’;

Is it possible to use LWC component in quick action?

You can quickly check all the latest feature here. As of now LWC are only supported in Record Detail Quick Action.

How do I get recordId from quick action to flow?

Quick Action

  1. Create a flow with a variable of Data type “Record” instead of “Text”
  2. Select the object as whichever object the flow quick action is created on (in our example it is Account).
  3. Name the variable as “recordId”

How to get the recordid in the component which is invoked through quick?

I have a component which is invoked through quick action present in event record page .The component is referring to force:hasRecordId interface . The value of recordid is resulting to undefined when debugged. This is weird. It should have worked.

How to accept recordid in Lightning web component?

From docs, you have to add lightning__RecordPage in the lwc component meta, for it to accept recordId from the detail page. Indicates that the component takes a record Id as an attribute. EDIT: Apparently this works in App builder, but in communities, things are a bit funny.

Is the value of recordid resulting to undefined when debugged?

The value of recordid is resulting to undefined when debugged. This is weird. It should have worked. Can you try adding this script – Yes, I agree that if you are inheriting the force:hasRecordId, you don’t have to explicitly add this attribute but just for the heck of it.

What does record ID mean in community builder?

Indicates that the component takes a record Id as an attribute. EDIT: Apparently this works in App builder, but in communities, things are a bit funny. you might just be missing {!recordId} in the dialogue box when you add a component to community builder.