How do I import certificate chain into keystore?

How do I import certificate chain into keystore?

Using the keytool utility, enter the following:

  1. keytool -import -alias -keystore -trustcacerts -file For example:
  2. C:\>keytool -import -alias chain -keystore c:\.mykeystore -trustcacerts -file c:\chain.cer. Enter keystore password:
  3. Certificate was added to keystore.

How do you import a .CRT certificate into a Java Keystore?

Install a CA-signed SSL certificate with the Java keytool

  1. Option 1: Create a new key and Java keystore; import a CA’s signature.
  2. Option 2: Package existing PEM-format key and certificates in a new Java keystore.
  3. Option 3: Convert an existing PKCS or PFX keystore to a Java keystore.

How do I add a root certificate to Truststore?

Installing a Root Certificate in the Trust Store

  1. Import the root certificate. Execute the command JRE_HOME/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias certAlias -file certFile -keystore trustStoreFile.
  2. Confirm that you trust the certificate.
  3. Identify the trust store to the client application.

How do I create a keystore certificate?

Step 1: Create a keystore and key pair

  1. Start KeyStore Explorer.
  2. Choose Create a new KeyStore.
  3. From New KeyStore Type, choose JKS.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Generate a key pair: Select Tools > Generate Key Pair. In Generate Key Pair, choose the following algorithm selection options: RSA. Key Size: 4096. Click OK.

Where is the Java keystore located?

By default, Java has a keystore file located at JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts. We can access this keystore using the default keystore password changeit.

What is difference between Truststore and keystore?

TrustStore is used to store certificates from Certified Authorities (CA) that verify the certificate presented by the server in an SSL connection. While Keystore is used to store private key and identity certificates that a specific program should present to both parties (server or client) for verification.

How to import a certificate into your keystore?

This procedure describes how to import a file with PKI information that is encoded with PEM or with raw DER into your keystore. For an export procedure, see Example 4–4. Import the certificate. If you are importing private PKI objects, provide passwords when prompted. At the prompt, type the password for the file.

Why to use trustcacerts option while importing certificate with keytool?

Try the operation without it if you like. The –trustcacerts argument tells keytool that you want to import this as a trusted certificate. Use the cacerts file to obtain trusted certificates from certificate autorities that have signed the certificate that is being imported.

How to get the root certificate in keystore.p12?

Get all of the intermediate CA certificates leading to the root. For more information, see Getting intermediate CA certificates. Import the intermediate certificates and the root certificate into keystore.p12 by using the following command.Start with the root certificate and then import all of the intermediate certificates.

How to import a CA root certificate into the JVM trust store?

To do that list the trust store content and filter for the certificate alias (name) with grep: You will now be able to make secure SSL/TLS connections to servers which have a certificate signed by the CA which we just imported.