How do I paste data from one cell into multiple cells?
Insert the same data into multiple cells using Ctrl+Enter Select all the blank cells in a column. Press Ctrl+Enter instead of Enter. All the selected cells will be filled with the data that you typed.
How do you copy and paste with F keys?
You can copy and paste a paragraph using the original shortcut keys: Ctrl+C for copy (or Ctrl+X for Cut), and then Ctrl+V for paste.
How do you copy and paste pictures using the keyboard?
Press and hold Ctrl key and click the pics you want to copy with your mouse. Then release Ctrl and press Ctrl + C to copy. I used to use a software program that would allow me to select just a portion of an image and paste it or save it for later.
Is there a way to copy and paste onto multiple…?
Press Shift+Alt+DownArrow three times (this will give you a column-caret on the four lines after the numbers. Then…paste. Whatever is in the clipboard (which is hopefully without line-endings) will appear on each line after the number that is already there.
How to paste a string across multiple lines?
Alt + Shift + DownKey to box-select beginning of each string followed by Ctrl + V pastes only on the first line. Expected behavior: paste my string on all selected lines. As commented by @chapo it now works fine with Alt-Shift-Down and then pasting.
How to copy and paste multiple non adjacent cells / rows / columns in Excel?
1. Holding the Ctrl key, and select multiple nonadjacent cells in the same column/rows one by one. 2. Press the Ctrl + C keys simultaneously to copy these nonadjacent cells; select the first cell of destination range, and press the Ctrl + V keys simultaneously to paste these nonadjacent cells. See below screenshots:
How to copy and insert row multiple times?
1 Hold down the ALT + F11 keys, then it opens the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window. 2 Click Insert > Module, and paste the following code in the Module Window. 3 And then press F5 key to run this code, and a prompt box is popped out to remind you to enter the number of times that you want to