How do I reverse the lines of a file?

How do I reverse the lines of a file?

The idea is to do the following:

  1. For each line move it to line 1 (to reverse). Command is g/^/m0 .
  2. Print everything. Command is %p .
  3. Forcefully quit without saving the file. Command is q! .

How do I reverse the contents of a file in Linux?

How To Display a File in Reverse on Linux

  1. To view a file in reverse, there is simply the tac command. It is actually the CAT written in reverse: tac file.
  2. Like the command cat, you can concatenate several files, which will be put together, but in reverse: tac file1 file2 file3.

How do you reverse a line in Unix?

rev command : It is used to reverse the lines in a file. This command can take standard input as well as shown below. Note: The rev command is not present in all flavors of Unix.

How do I reverse the order of a file in Unix?

-r Option: Sorting In Reverse Order: You can perform a reverse-order sort using the -r flag. the -r flag is an option of the sort command which sorts the input file in reverse order i.e. descending order by default.

What command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in reverse order?

sort-r is the Command used to sort the line of data in a file in reverse order.

Which command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in reverse order?

What is the use of awk in Linux?

Awk is a utility that enables a programmer to write tiny but effective programs in the form of statements that define text patterns that are to be searched for in each line of a document and the action that is to be taken when a match is found within a line. Awk is mostly used for pattern scanning and processing.

How do I sort lines in Linux?

Sort lines of a text file

  1. To sort the file in alphabetical order, we can use the sort command without any options:
  2. To sort in reverse, we can use the -r option:
  3. We can also sort on the column.
  4. Blank space is the default field separator.
  5. In the picture above, we have sorted the file sort1.

What command is used to sort the lines?

SORT command is used to sort a file, arranging the records in a particular order. By default, the sort command sorts file assuming the contents are ASCII. Using options in sort command, it can also be used to sort numerically. SORT command sorts the contents of a text file, line by line.

Which command is used to count the number of lines in a file?

wc command
Use the wc command to count the number of lines, words, and bytes in the files specified by the File parameter.

How to reverse the Order of lines in a file?

To be able to order the file in reverse order, we need an index for each row. So, we use the nl command to put line numbers at the beginning of each line:

How to reverse all lines in a file in Python?

It could be fixed easily by adding ‘ ‘ when needed: Every line of the file has a newline character at the end of it, except for the very last line. You could also try using str.strip () or str.rstrip () to remove all whitespace from the ends of a string or just the right end. This, however, would also remove spaces, tabs, etc.

Is it better to know the number of lines in a file?

It’s wasteful to read a file completely just to find the number of lines, and then need to read the file again to store the content. It would be better to store the lines in a data structure that can grow its capacity as needed, to eliminate the need to know the number of lines in advance.

How to reverse a text file in VBScript?

Alternately, drag the text file on the VBScript file to reverse the text file contents. You may also place a VBScript shortcut to the Send To folder for easier access.