How do I run multiple PHP versions with Apache on Centos 7 Linux?

How do I run multiple PHP versions with Apache on Centos 7 Linux?

Run the following commands to verify the correct ownership and permissions of your website root directories:

  1. sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/site1. your_domain.
  2. sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/site2. your_domain.
  3. sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/site1. your_domain.
  4. sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/site2. your_domain.

How do I install PHP version?

Install PHP by following the steps below….How to Install PHP

  1. Step 1: Download the PHP files. You’ll need the PHP Windows installer.
  2. Step 2: Extract the files.
  3. Step 3: Configure php.
  4. Step 4: Add C:\php to the path environment variable.
  5. Step 5: Configure PHP as an Apache module.
  6. Step 6: Test a PHP file.

Can I have 2 versions of XAMPP?

You can have two different versions of XAMPP. Download those files from and install into a directory of your choice, for example in C:\5.6. 31pp and C:\7.1. 18pp.

Is it possible to install multiple versions of PHP?

With the prerequisites completed, you will now install PHP versions 7.3 and 7.4, as well as PHP-FPM and several additional extensions. In order to install multiple versions of PHP, you will need to install and enable the Remi repository to your system. Which also offers the latest versions of the PHP stack on CentOS 8 system.

Which is the latest version of PHP for CentOS 7?

With the prerequisites completed, you will now install PHP versions 7.0 and 7.2. The SCL (Software Collections) repository maintains numerous versions of the PHP stack for the CentOS 7 system. If you require the absolute newest version of PHP and it is not available on SCL, check the remi PPA (personal package archive) instead.

Which is the default version of PHP for RHEL 8?

The versions of PHP available by default in RHEL 8 / CentOS 8 are 7.1.20 and 7.2.11. It’s possible to install other versions of the programming language from external repositories, like Remi, but I recommend to stick with the default software sources if it’s not strictly necessary to do otherwise.

How to install PHP on Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

The new release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, comes with a change in the way software is organized.