How do I share a file in view only?

How do I share a file in view only?

To create a view only folder in Google Drive:

  1. Open your Drive.
  2. Click “new”
  3. Select “folder”
  4. Name your folder.
  5. Select your folder by “single clicking” it.
  6. Adjust your sharing settings by selecting the sharing icon.
  7. Select “get shareable link”
  8. Then copy and paste the link that is highlighted.

How can I share files online anonymously?

12 Best Anonymous File Sharing Sites

  1. Firefox Send. Firefox send is a web experiment by Firefox that lets you upload file anonymously without tracking who you are.
  2. Tiny Upload.
  3. Zippy Share.
  5. Send Space.
  7. Expire Box.

How do I SCP to a local server?

The scp command issued from the system where /home/me/Desktop resides is followed by the userid for the account on the remote server. You then add a “:” followed by the directory path and file name on the remote server, e.g., /somedir/table. Then add a space and the location to which you want to copy the file.

How to watch and monitor log files in Linux?

Usually, the log files are rotated frequently on a Linux server by the logrotate utility. To watch log files that get rotated on a daily base you can use the -F flag to tail command. The tail -F will keep track if new log file being created and will start following the new file instead of the old file.

Where are the log files stored in Linux?

Linux log files should be easy to decipher since they’re stored in text form under the /var/log directory and subdirectory. They cover all kinds of things, like system, kernel, package managers, MySQL and more.

How to display a log file in real time?

As said, tail command is the most common solution to display a log file in real time. However, the command to display the file has two versions, as illustrated in the below examples. In the first example the command tail needs the -f argument to follow the content of a file. $ sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log

How to view a file in real time in Linux?

Well there are a lot of utilities out there that can help a user to output the content of a file while the file is changing or continuously updating. Some of the most known and heavily used utility to display a file content in real time in Linux is the tail command (manage files effectively).