How do I show posts in descending order in WordPress?

How do I show posts in descending order in WordPress?

First click on Manage Rules, a new window will appear with listing of all rules you created.. Now in General Settings choose In Order Ascending to display posts in ascending order or Descending to display posts in descending order.

How do I get records in descending order in SQL?

The SQL ORDER BY Keyword The ORDER BY keyword is used to sort the result-set in ascending or descending order. The ORDER BY keyword sorts the records in ascending order by default. To sort the records in descending order, use the DESC keyword.

Do you want to change the Order of your WordPress posts?

Test on your Localhost first before implementing it on your live site! Do you wish to change the order by which your WordPress posts or post excerpts are displayed? You’re not alone! If you write your posts in a chronological manner, you do want to change the default WordPress post order from descending (new to old) to ascending (old to new).

Is there a way to sort WordPress posts by title?

This will edit the main query before it is executed, and ensure that anywhere the main query is called (in index.php for instance), posts are sorted alphabetically by title.

Why do I alphabetize my WordPress posts by title?

Using a separate category template file for your “Glossary” category means that you do not clutter up your main category.php file with a bunch of conditional template tags. Maybe you want to list all your posts alphabetically by title on the main page.

How to limit number of posts in WordPress category?

Edit your theme’s category.php file, and make the following changes, just before your main Loop : Note: ‘posts_per_page’ => -1 indicates that all posts in this category will be shown at once. You can change this number to any positive integer to limit the number of posts displayed in this array.

How do I show posts in descending order in WordPress?

How do I show posts in descending order in WordPress?

First click on Manage Rules, a new window will appear with listing of all rules you created.. Now in General Settings choose In Order Ascending to display posts in ascending order or Descending to display posts in descending order.

In what order post are displayed by default for a blog?

reverse chronological order
By default, blogs display posts in reverse chronological order on the home page with the latest post at the top. There isn’t a way to display posts in chronological order however you can makes some posts Sticky so the post will be “stuck” to the top of the blog’s front page.

Can you change the Order of posts in WordPress?

By default, WordPress displays your blog posts in reverse chronological order (newer posts first), but sometimes you may need to move specific posts up or down. While it may feel like there is no way to do this in WordPress, you’ll be surprised to learn how easily you can change post order using multiple ways.

How can I change the date of a post?

Simply edit the post you want to reorder and on the post edit screen click on the publish date under the Document panel. This will bring up a date and time popup where you can change the post’s published date and time. After you have changed the date/time, click on the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.

How to re-order your blog posts with 2 methods?

Below, we’re busy getting that Dickens order the way we want it: Dragging and dropping posts into order is straightforward. Changes will then automatically be picked up on the front end. For more of a feel for just how easy this is once the plugin is installed, check out the demo video below.

What happens when you change the date of a blog post?

Changing a post’s publish date will also change where it appears in the list. For example, if you wanted to bring an older post up, you would have to change its date to be newer. Similarly if you wanted to move a post down, then you can change its date to be older.