How do I split one column data into multiple columns in SQL?

How do I split one column data into multiple columns in SQL?

To divide into three parts:

  1. select.
  2. left(col, len(col)/3) as Output1,
  3. substring(col, 1+len(col)/3, len(col)/3) as Output2,
  4. substring(col, 1+len(col)/3*2, len(col) – len(col)/3*2) as Output3.
  5. from @tab.

How split comma separated values into columns in SQL?

You can do it using the following methods:

  1. Convert delimited string into XML, use XQuery to split the string, and save it into the table.
  2. Create a user-defined table-valued function to split the string and insert it into the table.
  3. Split the string using STRING_SPLIT function and insert the output into a table.

How do I split a number in SQL?

Suppose we have student marks in decimal and we want to split integer and fractional part from it then we can write the query as:

  1. DECLARE @Marks DECIMAL(18,2)=70.50.
  2. SELECT LEFT(@Marks, CHARINDEX(‘.’, @
  4. Id INT IDENTITY(1,1),
  5. ItemName VARCHAR(100),
  6. Price DECIMAL(18,2)

How do you split comma separated Values?

and you need to split the third column of comma separated values into their own columns.

  1. Select the column that contains the values you want to split.
  2. Click on ‘DATA’ in the ribbon menu.
  3. Click on the ‘Text to Columns’ button.
  4. The ‘Convert Text to Columns Wizard’ will open.
  5. Leave ‘Delimited’ selected and click ‘Next’

How do I find the second space of a string in SQL?

In case you can have multiple spaces in the string then you could use function CHARINDEX to find the position of the first space in the string and then add 1 to that postion and use it as the value for the third parameter of the function to find the second one.

How to split address into multiple columns in SQL?

I want to split addresses into 6 columns (County, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip). The Address2 would be empty except there is a suite number or apartment number. Could anyone help me? Thank.

Is it possible to split an address into two separate fields?

Performance improvements can be achieved by splitting the address into separate Street Number and Street Name fields. Say you are looking for “109 Lupine Ln.” but the search yields no result.

How to split a string in SQL Server?

I recommend to use the client for the string manipulation and just let the SQL server return the data. That should be the only job for the SQL server for your case. For the following proposed solution you need a table-value-function to split a passed string with a specified delimiter which returns the ordered substrings.

Why do you split an address into street number and street name?

Since you simply entered the wrong street number this approach helps locate the record you are looking for. You may also desire to use “contains” or wildcard searches to help narrow your search results when you are not able to enter an exact match. From that reason it is highly recommended to split the address field into StreetNumer and StreetName.