How do I stop my email from ending up in the spam folder?

How do I stop my email from ending up in the spam folder?

The Easy, 12-Step Guide On How To Prevent Emails From Going To Spam

  1. Ask Subscribers to Whitelist Your Email Address.
  2. Always Get Permission to Send Emails.
  3. Follow the Laws Governing Email Marketing.
  4. Use a Reputable Email Marketing Program.
  5. Proofread Your Emails.
  6. Don’t Write Spammy Subject Lines.

Why does email end up in spam folder?

One of the big reasons that your emails go to spam is that spam filtering has become more rigorous over the last few years. Email service providers like Google and Yahoo are cracking down on spam to better serve their customers. The problem is that the filtering process isn’t 100% perfect.

Why did I get an order confirmation email?

An order confirmation email is sent by the merchant once a customer has completed a transaction in an ecommerce store. Until they’re signing for that package, they don’t know for sure that the product is going to make it to their doorstep, especially if they’re a first-time customer.

How do I get out of spam folder?

If your marketing results suffer because you struggle to reach inbox space consistently, keep reading and learn 10 foolproof steps for avoiding the SPAM folder.

  1. Avoid Purchased Lists.
  2. Watch What You Say.
  3. Team Up With A Reliable ESP.
  4. Get Certified!
  5. Avoid Dirty Tricks.
  6. Whitelist Me, Please!
  7. It Matters Where You’re “From”

Why are my emails going to spam folder?

This is actually harmful because the lower your email engagement rate, the less favorably you will be viewed by the ISPs. This means that your emails are more likely to go to the spam folder. A smaller, more engaged email list always trumps a large list full of unengaged users.

What to do if someone thinks you are sending them spam?

Even though they gave you permission to email them, they don’t remember doing it, so they think you are sending them spam. To prevent this from happening, make sure that the branding in your emails is memorable, and matches the branding on your website. This includes any images, colors, typography, voice, etc.

How can I tell if my email is in the spam box?

Just send your email to the email address displayed on their website, and then click on the View Your Report button. The report will show you the criteria they looked at, along with your score and whether you passed or failed the test. For a list of spam trigger words, check out this comprehensive list.

How can I Stop my emails from going to spam?

Always avoid: Scraping emails—if you’re using a robot to collect emails, known as email harvesting, this practice puts you squarely into the spam folder. Don’t ever do it! You want to have an email list consisting of folks that are interested in receiving your emails, that way you ensure engagement.