How do I use autocomplete command in Linux?

How do I use autocomplete command in Linux?

When at the MS-DOS, Windows command line or a Linux or Unix shell, typing in long file names or directories can become a burden. Use the Tab to autocomplete the names of directories and files while in the command line.

What is $() bash?

Bash is a Unix shell and command language written by Brian Fox for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell. First released in 1989, it has been used as the default login shell for most Linux distributions. Bash can also read and execute commands from a file, called a shell script.

How do you autocomplete on a Mac terminal?

How to Enable Autocomplete in Mac Terminal

  1. Type in terminal nano ~/.inputrc.
  2. Paste the following on separate lines.
  3. set completion-ignore-case on set show-all-if-ambiguous on TAB: menu-complete.
  4. Hit control+O to save changes to .inputrc followed by control+X to exit nano.

How do I autocomplete in Mac terminal?

Enable auto-complete in Mac Os terminal

  1. Hit control+O to save changes to .inputrc followed by control+X to exit nano.
  2. Open a new Terminal window or tab to open a new session with autocomplete enabled.
  3. Type and hit the tab key.

How to complete a command in Linux Bash?

In Linux, while typing a command if you press TAB twice, it would list all available commands that starts with typed characters. This is nothing new, probably you already know about this. This functionality is called bash completion. The basic file and directory name completion are available by default in bash command line.

What happens when you put after a command in Bash?

Normally, when you execute a long-running command, the command line will wait for that command to finish before it allows you to enter another one. Putting & after a command prevents this from happening, and lets you execute a new command while an older one is still going:

How to hide a command in Linux Bash?

Bonus: When we use & after a command to “hide” it, we say that the job (or the “process”; these terms are more or less interchangeable) is “backgrounded”. To see what background jobs are currently running, use the jobs command: Type -h or –help after almost any command to bring up a help menu for that command:

How to run the sudo command in Bash?

From what I have observed, most users hit the up arrow, scroll to the beginning of the line, and add the sudo command. There is an easier way. Simply run the command like this: sudo !! Bash will run sudo and then the entirety of the previous command. Here is exactly what it looks like when run in sequence: [ user @ centos ~] $ sudo !!