How do I use SQL reserved words as column names?

How do I use SQL reserved words as column names?

You cannot use an SQL reserved word as an SQL identifier (such as the name for a table, a column, an AS alias, or other entity), unless: The word is delimited with double quotes (“word”), and. Delimited identifiers are supported.

Which keywords would you use to determine the names of the columns contained in a table?

The column names that follow the select keyword determine which columns will be returned in the results. You can select as many column names that you’d like, or you can use a “*” to select all columns.

What is reserved keyword in MySQL?

Keywords are words that have significance in SQL. Certain keywords, such as SELECT , DELETE , or BIGINT , are reserved and require special treatment for use as identifiers such as table and column names. This may also be true for the names of built-in functions.

Can we use date as column name in SQL?

Thanks. It really should be valid to use (any) reserved word as a column name as “date” or [date] (but perhaps the latter is TSQL?), but I don’t use Oracle so…

How do I select a reserved word in SQL?

Use double quotes ” ” to name such columns. E.g. type is a SQL reserved keyword, and when used within quotes, type is treated as a user specified name.

How do I SELECT a last name in SQL?

Use the box below and click on Run Query to try it.

  1. SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Person. SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Person. xxxxxxxxxx.
  2. SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Person; SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Person; xxxxxxxxxx.
  3. SELECT * FROM Person.Person; /* Answer */ xxxxxxxxxx.

Why is column name with reserved keyword not working?

MySQL: Having A Column Name With A Reserved Keyword Is A Tricky Business. Next time you wonder why your insert into sql statement isn’t working, it might be due to the fact that you’re using a reserved keywords for your table’s column name. First, an example. All variables inside values() are predefined before they are being used.

How to resolve the error that occurs while using a reserved word as?

This is the official website of MySQL − Use a backtick with the reserved keyword to solve this issue. Note – You cannot use a reserved keyword for table or column name. However, including them with backtick would be considered correct. Demo of backtick with table as well as column name.

When to use reserved keyword in SQL statement?

Since a reserved keyword (CONDITION) was chosen (either intentionally or accidentally) to be a table’s column name, a little more attention is needed when writing a SQL statement. And it’s quite simple anyway. Just encapsulate the reserved keyword with backticks `, ex. `CONDITION`. So the correct, error-free SQL statement above would be as follow:

When does a reserved word occur in MySQL?

The above error occurred because the word ‘insert’ is a keyword in MySQL. Case 2 − Whenever you use reserved word as a column name in MySQL. The error is as follows −