How do you add multiple event listeners?

How do you add multiple event listeners?

The addEventListener() method You can add many event handlers to one element. You can add many event handlers of the same type to one element, i.e two “click” events. You can add event listeners to any DOM object not only HTML elements. i.e the window object.

Can you add an event listener to multiple elements in Javascript?

Adding event listener to multiple elements To add the event listener to the multiple elements, first we need to access the multiple elements with the same class name or id using document. querySelectorAll() method then we need to loop through each element using the forEach() method and add an event listener to it.

What is an event listener in JavaScript?

An event listener is a procedure in JavaScript that waits for an event to occur. The simple example of an event is a user clicking the mouse or pressing a key on the keyboard.

How does click event listener work in Google Maps?

Each marker in the array contains title, latitude, longitude and description of the location. Inside the window.onload event handler, the LoadMap function is executed. A loop is executed over the array of markers and one by one each marker is populated on the Google Map. Inside the loop, a click event listener is added to each Google Map marker.

How to add event listener to all markers?

There’s got to be a way to add a listener to ALL MARKERS, currently I’m adding a listener to each one using a loop which feels really wrong… This feels wrong: google.maps.event.addListener(unique_marker_id, ‘click’, function(){ //do something with this marker… google-mapsgoogle-maps-api-3 Share Improve this question Follow

What does the event handler do in Google Maps?

The following code snippet consists of an array of markers of different geographic address locations. Each marker in the array contains title, latitude, longitude and description of the location. Inside the window.onload event handler, the LoadMap function is executed.

How to add a marker in Google Maps?

Search Google Maps for our place, or set our marker anywhere. Right-click on the marker and select “More info on this place”. And here is how to add the markers in the code.