How do you compare two DataFrames values?

How do you compare two DataFrames values?

Steps to Compare Values in two Pandas DataFrames

  1. Step 1: Prepare the datasets to be compared. To start, let’s say that you have the following two datasets that you want to compare:
  2. Step 2: Create the two DataFrames.
  3. Step 3: Compare the values.

How do you count unique values in a column in a DataFrame?

How to count unique items in pandas

  1. pandas provides the useful function values_counts() to count unique items – it returns a Series with the counts of unique values.
  2. From the output of line 10 you can see the result, which is a count of the column col1 .
  3. Category data value count with normalize.

How do you count unique records of a DataFrame?

If indices are supplied as input, then the return value will also be the indices of the unique value.

  1. Syntax: pandas.unique(Series)
  2. Syntax: Dataframe.nunique (axis=0/1, dropna=True/False)
  3. Syntax: Dataframe.col_name.nunique()
  4. Syntax: Series.value_counts(normalize=False, sort=True, ascending=False, bins=None, dropna=True)

How do I use DataComPy?

DataComPy by default returns True only if there’s a 100% match. We can tweak this by setting the values of abs_tol & rel_tol to non-zero, which empowers us to specify an amount of deviation between numeric values that can be tolerated….Compare Pandas Dataframes using DataComPy

  1. Using difflib.
  2. Using fuzzywuzzy.
  3. Regex Match.

How do I compare two numbers in values?

To compare two numbers, follow these steps:

  1. Write the numbers in a place-value chart.
  2. Compare the digits starting with the greatest place value.
  3. If the digits are the same, compare the digits in the next place value to the right. Keep comparing digits with the same place value until you find digits that are different.

How to compare column names in two DataFrames?

Comparing column names of two dataframes. Incase you are trying to compare the column names of two dataframes: If df1 and df2 are the two dataframes: set(df1.columns).intersection(set(df2.columns)) This will provide the unique column names which are contained in both the dataframes.

How to compare two DataFrames in Python pandas?

Suppose I have two Python Pandas dataframes: “StudentRoster Jan-1”: id Name score isEnrolled Comment 111 Jack 2.17 True He was late to class 112 Nick 1.11 False Graduated 113 Zoe 4.12 True “StudentRoster Jan-2”: id Name score isEnrolled Comment 111 Jack 2.17 True He was late to class 112 Nick 1.21 False Graduated 113 Zoe 4.12 False On vacation

How to compare two DataFrames and output their scores?

By default, equal values are replaced with NaNs so you can focus on just the diffs. If you want to show values that are equal as well, use (df2, keep_equal=True, keep_shape=True) score isEnrolled Comment self other self other self other 1 1.11 1.21 False False Graduated Graduated 2 4.12 4.12 True False NaN On vacation

How to select unique rows between two data frames?

I have two data frames A and B of unequal dimensions. I would like to create a data frame C such that it ONLY contains rows that are unique between A and B.