How do you delete a recorded data extension?

How do you delete a recorded data extension?

You can delete records only from data extensions that use a primary key.

  1. Click Data Extensions.
  2. Click the data extension containing the record to remove.
  3. Click the Records tab.
  4. Search for the subscriber key of the record to remove.
  5. Select the record.
  6. Click Clear Record.

Where are shared data extensions stored?

Shared data extensions must exist in the main Shared Data Extensions folder or a subfolder under Subscribers.

Which type of data source connects two different contact data tables to each other based on a particular field?

attribute group
An attribute group connects these two tables to each other based on a particular field, such as Purchase History. When you open Data Designer in Contact Builder, you see contacts at the center and each spoke that appears represents a relationship between the contact and an attribute group.

How to insert and delete data in RESTful services?

The value for string is enclosed in double quotes and the numeric value is not enclosed in double quotes. LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, EMAIL, HIRE_DATE, JOB_ID, SALARY, MANAGER_ID and DEPARTMENT_ID will be mapped to the bind variables with the same names that you have specified in the POST handler PL/SQL code.

How to delete an image from a RESTful service?

In this section, you will create a RESTful Service to delete data using the HTTP Method DELETE. You will use the RESTClient tool to test your RESTful Service and to verify the results. In the RESTful Services navigator, right-click locations/:id, select Add Handler and then select DELETE. View Image.

How can I clear data from a dataextension?

To clear data from a DataExtension using the perform method, you need the Email | Subscribers | Data Extension | Clear Data permission. Also, your AccountType must be E2.0 or BU, or you need the role based access control business rule. If you don’t own the data extension, you can’t clear its data.

What are the data retention fields in dataextension?

Data retention fields are: DataRetentionPeriod, DataRetentionPeriodLength, DataRetentionPeriodUnitOfMeasure, RowBasedRetention, ResetRetentionPeriodOnImport, DeleteAtEndOfRetentionPeriod, and RetainUntil. To clear data from a DataExtension using the perform method, you need the Email | Subscribers | Data Extension | Clear Data permission.