How do you deploy a web based application?

How do you deploy a web based application?

To deploy a Web Application:

  1. Arrange the resources (servlets, JSPs, static files, and deployment descriptors) in the prescribed directory format.
  2. Write the Web Application deployment descriptor (web.
  3. Create the WebLogic-Specific Deployment Descriptor (weblogic.
  4. Archive the files in the above directory structure into a .

What do you mean by deploying a web application what are different ways of deploying a web application explain any one of them?

Deploying your application means putting it on a Web server so that it can be used either through the Internet or an intranet. To deploy your application onto a production Web server, you need to check: Server Web share paths and application URLs.

How would you deploy a newer version of a live website?

Continuous Delivery: The Right Way to Deploy Your Software

  1. Get a copy of the latest codebase.
  2. Add, edit and remove code as necessary.
  3. Test the update.
  4. Copy all/changed files to the server using FTP.
  5. Rinse and repeat.

How do I launch a Web application?

Quibb: The 10 Right Ways to Launch a Modern Web App

  1. Be Mobile from (Pretty Much) Day One.
  2. Be Exclusive.
  3. Be Conversational (Without Compromising Exclusivity)
  4. Brand Heavily.
  5. Make It So Easy to Share Your Content a Three-Year-Old Could Do It.
  6. Gather Actionable Data.
  7. Cultivate a Passionate Community.
  8. Pay Attention to Email.

Which is the best way to deploy a.NET application?

Most traditional .NET applications are deployed as single units corresponding to an executable or a single web application running within a single IIS appdomain. This is the simplest deployment model and serves many internal and smaller public applications very well.

How to deploy custom features to upgraded site collections?

Feature masking involves using a new and separate solution package for the same feature for upgraded sites and site collections (when a feature is scoped to a site or site collection). Feature masking allows upgraded site collections to automatically find and use the correct custom feature assemblies.

How to deploy custom features in SharePoint web server?

Use the Install-SPSolution PowerShell cmdlet to deploy the SharePoint solution package to the farm. This unpacks the solution package and copies all files that are contained with a custom feature to a “Feature” directory located on the farm’s front-end web server.

Which is the simplest approach to deploying an application?

This approach is the simplest deployment model and serves many internal and smaller public applications very well. However, even given this single unit of deployment, most non-trivial business applications benefit from some logical separation into several layers.