How do you display data in a table lightning Web component?

How do you display data in a table lightning Web component?

To display Salesforce data in a table, use the lightning-datatable component. The component supports inline editing, which enables users to update a field value without navigating to the record. To load a list of records, use the getListUi (Deprecated) wire adapter or use SOQL in an Apex method. See Data Guidelines.

How do you style a lightning datatable?

Datatable Styling in LWC

  1. Create a new component.
  2. Write Apex Class to fetch Account records.
  3. Fetch data to LWC from Apex.
  4. Create lightning datatable and load the account data to datatable.
  5. hide datatable checkbox.
  6. add slds text color to the table column.
  7. add an icon to the column with positions.

What is Datatable in LWC?

Lightning Web Component lightning-datatable in lwc. lightning-datatable component displays tabular data for list of records. lightning-datatable component supports inline editing, which enables you to update a field value without navigating to the record. We cab display each column based on the data type.

How do I make my LWC page responsive?

How to make a lightning layout responsive? For that, we need to set the size attributes to the lightning-layout-item . size — default size, mobile devices. small-device-size — size when the device is larger than mobile.

How do I enable inline editing in lightning?

Go to Setup and search for User Interface. You can also go through the path of Platform Tools > User Interface > User Interface or Build/App Setup > Customize > User Interface (last option). Select Enable Inline Editing and Enable Enhanced Lists then Save.

How do I get my LWC account record?

How to use getRecord in LWC

  1. Import the named imports getRecord() and getFieldValue() from the package lightning/uiRecordApi .
  2. Import the reference to the fields that we wish to display back to the users.
  3. Wire the output of the out of the box method getRecord() to the property account.

How do you make lightning Datatable in LWC?

In above file, we are exposing lwc component for home page. Click Setup (Gear Icon) and select Edit Page. Under Custom Components, find your lightningDatatableLWCExample component and drag it on left hand side. Click Save and activate.

How does Lightning web component work in LWC?

Lightning Web Component lightning-datatable in lwc lightning-datatable component displays tabular data for list of records. lightning-datatable component supports inline editing, which enables you to update a field value without navigating to the record. We cab display each column based on the data type. Lightning Web Component Datatable example

How does the Lightning DataTable work in Salesforce?

A table that displays rows and columns of data. A lightning-datatable component displays tabular data where each column can be displayed based on the data type. For example, an email address is displayed as a hyperlink with the mailto: URL scheme by specifying the email type. The default type is text.

How does lightning display tabular data in Excel?

A lightning:datatable component displays tabular data where each column can be displayed based on the data type. For example, an email address is displayed as a hyperlink with the mailto: URL scheme by specifying the email type. The default type is text. This component inherits styling from data tables in…

Can a lightning DataTable be used on a narrow screen?

While a lightning-datatable will squish up on a narrow screen, the columns typically become so narrow as to be unreadable. Are there examples anywhere of changing to e.g. tiles for a narrow screen?