How do you do debug?

How do you do debug?

7 Steps to Debug Efficiently and Effectively

  1. 1) Always Reproduce the Bug Before You Start Changing Code.
  2. 2) Understand Stack Traces.
  3. 3) Write a Test Case that Reproduces the Bug.
  4. 4) Know Your Error Codes.
  5. 5) Google! Bing! Duck! Duck! Go!
  6. 6) Pair Program Your Way Out of It.
  7. 7) Celebrate Your Fix.

What’s the best way to start a debugging project?

When in doubt, start with someone else’s existing code that already works. If you’re a beginner, you’re still more of a Hacker than an Engineer, and so it’s better to start with an existing structure and tweak it to meet your needs. If you’re working on your own project, try googling around for a script that does what you’re trying to do.

Why do I get fatal error when I run a program?

When you run programs on Windows or other similar operating systems, the program may encounter an unexpected condition. Then it will generate an exception, which enables the program run smoothly even something wrong happens. However, when the program generates some unknown and unexpected exceptions, fatal error is the result.

What should I do if I get error in StackOverflow?

Chances are, you’ll get a few results, where people have asked similar questions and gotten explanations and answers. This can sometimes be hit-or-miss, depending on how specific or generic your error is. Make sure you try to read the code in the question and see if it’s similar to yours – make sure it’s the same language!

How to fix fatal error in Windows 10?

Given that fact, you can shut down any running programs in the background to fix the error. Step 2: Select Task Manager from the menu. Step 3: Click on the Processes tab. Step 4: Close all software listed under apps by selecting the programs and pressing End Task. Step 5: Check if the Windows fatal error is solved.