How do you encrypt a string?

How do you encrypt a string?

Given a string s, the task is to encrypt the string in the following way:

  1. If the frequency of current character is even, then increment current character by x.
  2. If the frequency of current character is odd, then decrement current character by x.

How do I check if a string is encrypted in PHP?

2 Answers. To check if it’s encrypted you need the key that has encrypted the value. If you don’t have the key you could maybe try testing a certain language signature (the amount of occurences in the string of certain characters). The type of encryption would be rather difficult to detect.

How to encrypt a string using ! and @ symbols?

Given a string, the task is to encrypt this string using ! and @ symbols, alternatively. While encrypting the message the encrypted format must repeat the symbol as many times as the letter position in Alphabetical order. Input: string = “Ab” Output: !@@

How to convert secure string to secure string?

Note that per DotNet, the contents of a SecureString are not encrypted on non-Windows systems. This example shows how to create a secure string from user input, convert the secure string to an encrypted standard string, and then convert the encrypted standard string back to a secure string.

How to decrypt a string with the same password?

Of course, there’s an equivalent method to decrypt the encrypted string with the same password. Unlike the first version of this code, which used the exact same salt and IV values every time, this newer version will generate random salt and IV values each time.

When do you need authentication for an encrypted string?

For example, if your “receiver” of an encrypted string is receiving the string directly from a trusted “sender”, then authentication may not even be necessary. If you require something more complex, and which offers authenticated encryption, check out this post for an implementation.