How do you find secant latitude?

How do you find secant latitude?

Secant Calculator

  1. Formula. Sec X = H/A Where X is an angle in degrees or radians H is the length of the hypotenuse A is the length of the side adjacent to that hypotenuse sec x = 1 / cos x.
  2. Enter angle here X, in sec(x) (degrees)
  3. Secant.

What is latitude of true scale?

The meridians are projected as straight lines originating at the pole. Lines of latitude are concentric circles. The distance between circles increases away from the central pole. The latitude of true scale, 81°06’52.3″ north or south, corresponds to a scale factor of 0.994 at the pole.

How do you calculate ground distance?

The ground distance between two points is determined by measuring between the same two points on the map and then multiplying the map measurement by the denominator of the RF or scale (Figure 5-1).

How do you work out distance on a chart?

Distance is measured on the latitude scale, at the sides of the chart. One minute of latitude is one nautical mile-at that latitude. One nautical mile is 1852 metres. One minute is one nautical mile (M) at that latitude because on Mercator Projection charts the latitude scale increases the further north you travel.

What is the scale factor for a Mercator projection?

From wikipedia’s Mercator projection: scale factor = secant (latitude) = 1 / cosine (latitude) Generally, divide map distance by the scale factor to get globe distance. But what about “long” lines, at different latitudes, what scale factor to use?

How do you calculate the scale factor of a map?

You are absolutely correct. From wikipedia’s Mercator projection: scale factor = secant (latitude) = 1 / cosine (latitude) Generally, divide map distance by the scale factor to get globe distance. But what about “long” lines, at different latitudes, what scale factor to use? According to EF Burkholder, for.

How to calculate the scale factor of a globe?

From wikipedia’s Mercator projection: scale factor = secant (latitude) = 1 / cosine (latitude) Generally, divide map distance by the scale factor to get globe distance.

Where can I find Mercator projection on the Internet?

However, the advent of Web mapping gave the projection an abrupt resurgence in the form of the Web Mercator projection . Today, the Mercator can be found in marine charts, occasional world maps, and Web mapping services, but commercial atlases have largely abandoned it, and wall maps of the world can be found in many alternative projections.