How do you flatten a linked list?

How do you flatten a linked list?

(ii) Pointer to a linked list where this node is headed (we call it the ‘down’ pointer in the code below). Write a function flatten() to flatten the lists into a single linked list. The flattened linked list should also be sorted.

What is the meaning of flattening a linked list?

Given a linked list that can grow in both horizontal and vertical directions (right and down), flatten it into a sorted singly linked list provided that each horizontal and vertical list is already sorted. Sorting: In this step, sort the flattened list using the merge sort algorithm. …

How do I sort an unsorted linked list?

Merge two unsorted linked lists to get a sorted list

  1. Concatenate the two lists by traversing the first list until we reach it’s a tail node and then point the next of the tail node to the head node of the second list. Store this concatenated list in the first list.
  2. Sort the above-merged linked list.

How do you make an order a linked list?

The process of creation of an ordered singly linked list involves inserting a new node maintaining an order either ascending or descending. It revolves around three basic operations, viz. Insertion at the beginning of the list. Insertion somewhere in the middle, i.e. anywhere other than at the beginning or at the end.

How to flatten a linked list in Excel?

1. Pointer to next node (Main linked list (right pointer)) 2. Pointer to next node where this node is head (Down linked list (down pointer)) We need to flatten this linked list into one normal singly linked list. And the output linked list should be sorted.

How to flatten a linked list using merge sort?

Flattening a linked list 1 In the given linked list, every node has two pointers :. We need to flatten this linked list into one normal singly… 2 Algorithm. We use merge sort for merging linked lists. We recursively flatten the lists by merge the current list with… 3 C++ Program. More

Is there a pointer to a linked list?

(ii) Pointer to a linked list where this node is headed (we call it the ‘down’ pointer in the code below). All linked lists are sorted.

How to construct a linked list from a matrix?

Given a matrix. Convert it into a linked list matrix such that each node is connected to its next right and down node. Recommended: Please solve it on PRACTICE first, before moving on to the solution. The idea is to construct a new node for every element of matrix and recursively create its down and right nodes.