How do you insert a comma in SQL?

How do you insert a comma in SQL?

Commas in T-SQL are used to format numbers, as list-separators, and value separators. When commas are used as separators, there is no specific rule for placing commas at the end of a line or at the beginning.

Can you format numbers in SQL?

SQL Server FORMAT() Function The FORMAT() function formats a value with the specified format (and an optional culture in SQL Server 2017). Use the FORMAT() function to format date/time values and number values.

How do I add a comma to a list in Word?

Adding Serial Commas in a Sentence

  1. Choose Options from the Tools menu.
  2. Make sure the Spelling & Grammar tab is selected.
  3. Click on the Settings button.
  4. Make sure the “Comma Required before Last List Item” option is set to Always.
  5. Click on OK to close the Grammar Settings dialog box.

How do I show 0.00 in SQL?

Execute this in SQL Server Management Tools: select CAST(0 as money) as dollars; You will get 0.00 as a result.

How to add comma and and in string in SQL?

I have a field IN SQL Item_Name and row as ITEM1,ITEM2,ITEM3 and ITEM4 I converted these rows as a single column with comma separated vales like ITEM1,ITEM2,ITEM3,ITEM4. How can I convert this column as ITEM1,ITEM2,ITEM3 and ITEM4.I need an and in the end item.

Where to find comma delimiter in SQL Server?

Hold down ALT + SHIFT and click the down key for as many numbers as you have. You should see a blue line just to the right of your numbers. This is why you needed the extra space after 356 – so that you can just arrow down the entire list without having to move left or right.

How do you add a comma in SSMS?

In SSMS you can hold SHIFT+ALT and then select multiple lines with a mouse or go up and down with the arrow/cursor keys to edit across multiple lines, and add the comma. Can also in most editors these days, very valuable. This can be done directly inside SSMS, no need for Notepad++ or another editor.

Where do you find a comma in a list?

You should see a blue line just to the right of your numbers. This is why you needed the extra space after 356 – so that you can just arrow down the entire list without having to move left or right. Release the keys, and press the comma key. A comma should appear in all of the lines.