How do you install a solarized color scheme?

How do you install a solarized color scheme?

After either Option 1 or Option 2 above, put the following two lines in your .vimrc:

  1. syntax enable set background=dark colorscheme solarized.
  2. syntax enable set background=light colorscheme solarized.
  3. if has(‘gui_running’) set background=light else set background=dark endif.
  4. let g:solarized_termcolors=256.

How do you scroll in St terminal?

Apply the following patch on top of the previous to allow scrolling using Shift+MouseWheel .

  1. st-scrollback-mouse-20170427-5a10aca.diff.
  2. st-scrollback-mouse-0.8.diff.
  3. st-scrollback-mouse-0.8.2.diff.
  4. st-scrollback-mouse-20191024-a2c479c.diff.

How do I revert a patch?

Use this command to revert the patch: git apply -R path/file. patch. Use this command to delete the feature branch you created: git branch -D [branch-name]

How many colors are there in solarized terminal?

Solarized is a sixteen color palette (eight monotones, eight accent colors) designed for use with terminal and gui applications. It has several unique properties.

How to use solarized color scheme in OS X terminal?

If you are using Terminal, then, in the solarized/ double-click Solarized Dark ansi.terminal and Solarized Light ansi.terminal two color schemes will be automatically imported into the in Dark and Light.

Who is the creator of the solarized color scheme?

Original Solarized color scheme developed by Ethan Schoonover [email protected] Adapted for OS X 10.7+ by Tomislav Filipčić [email protected] See the Solarized homepage for screenshots, details and colorscheme versions for Vim, Mutt, popular terminal emulators and other applications.

Where can I find the OS X terminal colorscheme?

See the Solarized homepage for screenshots, details and colorscheme versions for Vim, Mutt, popular terminal emulators and other applications. If you have come across this colorscheme via the OS X repository on github, see the link above to the Solarized homepage or visit the main Solarized repository.