How do you interpret FIP?

How do you interpret FIP?

FIP takes a pitcher’s strikeouts, walks, and home runs allowed and translates them into a number scaled to ERA. Think of it as what the pitcher’s ERA should be, if the defense behind him turned batted balls into outs at a major-league average rate.

What is a good FIP stat?

How to use FIP. If you’re familiar with ERA, then FIP is simple to use: both FIP and ERA operate on the same scale, where around 5.00 is bad, 4.00 is about average, 3.00 is good, and below 3.00 is getting into Cy Young territory.

What is a good FIP for a pitcher?

FIP is an attempt to isolate the performance of the pitcher by using only those outcomes we know do not involve luck on balls in play or defense; strikeouts, walks, hit batters, and home runs allowed….Context:

Rating FIP
Excellent 3.20
Great 3.50
Above Average 3.80
Average 4.20

What is the FIP constant?

Fielding Independent Pitching converts a pitcher’s three true outcomes into an earned run average-like number. The formula is (13*HR+3*(HBP+BB)-2*K)/IP, plus a constant (usually around 3.2) to put it on the same scale as earned run average.

Is a negative FIP good?

Basically, he’s been so good he broke the formula. Obviously, it’s not possible for a pitcher to have an ERA lower than 0, so a negative FIP just means that based on his walk rate, strikeout rate and home run rate, the formula expects him to have given up zero runs this month.

Is FIP better than ERA?

This is why Fielding Independent Pitching, or FIP, is a much better measure of a pitcher’s true ability than ERA. FIP holds the pitcher directly responsible only for home runs, walks, hit batters, and strikeouts. The pitcher is docked for home runs, walks, and hit batters. The pitcher is credited for strikeouts.

Why is FIP flawed?

Why FIP Cannot Be Used To Compare Pitchers: Because FIP attempts to compensate for variety in defense, luck, and sequence of events that an individual pitcher experiences, to compare two pitchers who are not pitching with the same defense, luck, and sequence of events is irrational.

What does FIP stand for in baseball statistics?

Fielding Independent Pitching
Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP)

Is negative FIP good?

What does it mean if FIP is lower than ERA?

For example: If a pitcher has surrendered a high average on balls in play, his FIP will likely be lower than his ERA. Balls in play are not part of the FIP equation because a pitcher is believed to have limited control over their outcome.

Why is FIP higher than ERA?

If a pitcher has an exactly league average defense and league average luck with timing, FIP should determine what that pitcher’s ERA is expected to be. Additionally, FIP has been shown to correlate more strongly from year to year than ERA. The reasoning for this is simple: ERA involves much more luck than does FIP.

What is a good whip in baseball?


Rating WHIP
Great 1.10
Above Average 1.20
Average 1.30
Below Average 1.40

FIP is an attempt to isolate the performance of the pitcher by using only those outcomes we know do not involve luck on balls in play or defense; strikeouts, walks, hit batters, and home runs allowed.

How to calculate strikeouts and walks in baseball?

You simply divide the strikeouts or walks by the total number of plate appearances: Please remember that this is a raw statistic and no corrections are made for league average, park effect, or games situation.

Why are strikeout and walk rates so important?

Strikeout and walks rates are extremely important for evaluating pitchers. A plate appearance can essentially end in four ways: strikeouts, walks, home runs, and balls in play. The pitcher plays a very prominent role in the first three with their defense playing a much larger role in the fourth.

Why are balls in play not included in FIP?

For example: If a pitcher has surrendered a high average on balls in play, his FIP will likely be lower than his ERA. Balls in play are not part of the FIP equation because a pitcher is believed to have limited control over their outcome.