How do you make lightning components available in community builder?

How do you make lightning components available in community builder?

Navigate to Setup > App Setup > Customize > Communities > Communities Settings. On the Communities page, select the Enable Community Workspaces check box. In the Domain name field, enter the domain name for the community and click Check Availability. Click Save.

How do I install a custom component?

Click the Access advanced features button and select Define custom component. The Custom Component Wizard dialog box opens. In the Type list, select the component type : connection, detail, seam, or part. In the Name box, enter a unique name for the component.

How do you make aura component available for community?

Configure Lightning Components for Community Builder

  1. Create a Component.
  2. Add a Design Resource to Component Bundle.
  3. Add an SVG Resource to Component.
  4. Drag and Drop the component to Community.

How do you make a LWC component available for community?

Lightning Components can be made accessible in salesforce community builder by updating the “targets” node in the metadata file of the component. In LWC we simply need to add the “lightningCommunity__Page” target to our metadata file, let’s see an example of this below.

How do I create a custom component in React?

Now that you have your project running, you can start making your custom component. In this step, you’ll create an independent React component by extending the base React Component class. You’ll create a new class, add methods, and use the render function to show data.

How do I add aura component to my home page?

Create an Aura Component

  1. In the Developer Console, select File | New | Lightning Component.
  2. For the component name, enter MyContactList .
  3. Check Lightning Record Page and then click Submit.
  4. Add a reference to the Apex controller, controller=”MyContactListController” , on the aura:component tag.

Can a lightning component be used in community builder?

To allow the component to be used in Lightning App Builder or Community Builder, set isExposed to true and define at least one , which is a type of Lightning page. I ran into this issue in a Trailhead Playground when I had the setting “salesforcedx-vscode-core.experimental.deployRetrieve” set to true in vscode.

How to make a component usable in experience builder?

To make your component usable in Experience Builder, set isExposed to true. Then, in targets, add one of these values as a target: To include properties that are editable when the component is selected in Experience Builder, define lightningCommunity__Default in targets and define the properties in targetConfigs.

How to create a custom theme layout component?

In this step, you create a basic theme layout component in the Developer Console, and use it in Experience Builder to transform the overall structure of your Experience Builder site’s pages. Add an interface to your theme layout component and define its regions. Add a design resource to the theme layout component.

How to add a theme to experience builder?

To appear in Experience Builder in the Settings | Theme | Configure area, a theme layout component must implement the forceCommunity:themeLayout interface. Add {!v.body} wherever you want the content, which changes from page to page, to appear within the theme layout component.