How do you manage configuration in microservices?

How do you manage configuration in microservices?

Microservice Configuration Management and Unique Meta Data

  1. GitHub, Jira Change Request.
  2. Git repo.
  3. CI/CD Build Number.
  4. Container Registry.
  5. Container Digest.
  6. Container Tag.
  7. Git Commit.
  8. Environment Variables.

How do you handle relationships in microservices?

In your case, you prefer to use database per service pattern. This make microservices more autonomous. In this situation, you should duplicate some of your data among multiple microservices. You can share the data with api calls between microservices or you can share it with async messaging.

What is config server in Microservices?

Central configuration server provides configurations (properties) to each micro service connected. As mentioned in the above diagram, Spring Cloud Config Server can be used as a central cloud config server by integrating to several environments.

What is externalized configuration?

Spring Boot lets you externalize your configuration so that you can work with the same application code in different environments. You can use properties files, YAML files, environment variables, and command-line arguments to externalize configuration.

How does Esence create dependencies between microservices?

In esence, doing so creates a dependency between the different parts of the application. With microservices, each microservice is meant to operate on its own. However, sometimes one may find that to provide certain functionality, access to some other part of the system is necessary.

How to manage configuration for multiple microservices in spring?

While working on microservices we have the challenge to manage configuration for multiple microservices which have multiple instances. To solve this problem, we are going to use the Spring Cloud Config which is a project under the Spring Cloud umbrella.

Are there data sharing and dependency problems in microservices?

Data sharing and dependency problems are gone. Of course, the opposite applies: if you find your services getting bigger and bigger to reduce chattiness, then perhaps you should rethink how your data is modeled, or how your problem domains are split. Trying to keep balance is the key.

How are services modeled in a microservice architecture?

However, fully functional systems rely on the cooperation and integration of its parts, and microservice architectures are not an exception. “In a microservice architecture, services are modeled as isolated units that manage a reduced set of problems.”