How do you populate date table dimensions?

How do you populate date table dimensions?

Follow the given steps to create date dimension:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Connect Database Engine.
  3. Open New query editor.
  4. Copy paste scripts given below in various steps in new query editor window one by one.
  5. To run the given SQL script, press F5.

How do you load time dimension?

Bhargava Kudligi

  1. Bhargava Kudligi.
  2. U can load time dimension manually by writing scripts in PL/SQL to load the time dimension table with values for a period.Ex:- M having my business data for 5 years from 2000 to 2004, then load all the date starting from 1-1-2000 to 31-12-2004 its around 1825 records.

How to populate date dimension table in SQL Server?

I am looking to populate a date dimension table in a SQL Server 2008 database. The fields in the table are as follows:

When to use a date dimension or calendar table?

A calendar table can be immensely useful, particularly for reporting purposes, and for determining things like business days between two dates. I often see people struggling with manually populating a calendar or date dimension table; usually there are lots of loops and iterative code constructs being used.

How does the Kimball date dimension table work?

A few things you should note. First, I did make a few slight modifications to the standard Kimball date dimension table as found in the previously mentioned book. They have a column titled “DateName” which holds the date as a string in YYYY/MM/DD format.

Which is the best way to populate a calendar table?

The “best” (read:most efficient) way to populate a calendar table, IMHO, is to use a set, rather than a loop. And you can generate this set without burying logic into user-defined functions, which really don’t gain you anything but encapsulation – otherwise it’s just another object to maintain.