How do you read a complex code base?

How do you read a complex code base?

Let’s take a look at a few ways in which you can start to grasp a monolithic codebase.

  1. Read the Documentation. The first place I start with a new project is reading over any available documentation or README files.
  2. Read the Commit Messages.
  3. Pairing.
  4. Read the Tests.
  5. Start with the Smallest Part.
  6. Dive In.

What is a complex software?

Abstract: A mathematical denotation is proposed for the notion of complex software systems whose behavior is specified by rigorous formalisms. Complex systems are described in a recursive way as an interconnection of subsystems by means of architectural connectors.

How to understand already complex code base in Java?

Edit: This is a university level research project. Students have developed it over couple of years and the bad part: The students who wrote this have already graduated. The existing documentation (only in the form of Javadocs, not UML stuff) is a lot but not helpful in terms of understanding the application design.

Is it possible to learn an existing code base?

Learning an existing codebase takes time and patience. You might not be able to grasp all concepts and algorithms in few days or even in weeks. But it’s important to follow a well defined plan and work accordingly. This will ensure that you’re goal oriented and making progress.

How can I tell if my codebase is tightly coupled?

There are tools that analyse codebase and tell you whether it’s tightly coupled and how much duplicate code is there. This might be useful, but not at the start of your project. Check whether there are any unit tests. Start running those to see what the system is capable of doing.

How is a code base structured in a project?

In a project where it is designed to cater enterprise needs, a code base is well structured and abstracted into logical components. These components try to complement a certain architecture followed within the codebase. For an example MVC architecture structures the codebase in to three layers (Model, View, Controller).