How do you recommend software?

How do you recommend software?

How to recommend new tools / software to a customer?

  1. Understand your customer’s problem.
  2. Define tool and / or software prerequisites.
  3. Evaluate options available in the market.
  4. Take customer recommendation.
  5. Determine Your Implementation Role.

Can oss be used for commercial purposes?

Absolutely. All Open Source software can be used for commercial purpose; the Open Source Definition guarantees this.

Can companies use Open Source software?

Open source software can be used for commercial purposes. This means you can use open source software for commercial purposes — but you can’t always place restrictions on people who receive software from you. And commercial doesn’t mean the same thing as proprietary.

Are Open Source software free for terms and conditions?

Open source components are free to use But they come with an attached license, that requires their users to adhere to certain terms and conditions.

When can we say that a software is efficient?

The efficient software is basically defined as the software that is capable of producing the desire result without wasting any type of time, material and energy.

What are the fundamental software engineering activities?

Describes the basic activities of software engineering – specification, design and implementation, validation and evolution.

Which of the following is not a downside of OSS?

Discussion Forum

Que. Which of the following is not a downside of OSS?
b. Restricted choice
c. No warranty
d. Multiple choices
Answer:Multiple choices

Can I stop others from using my program under the terms of GPL?

Both versions of the GPL have an exception to their copyleft, commonly called the system library exception. But if you want to use parts of other GPL-covered programs by other authors in your code, you cannot authorize the exception for them. You have to get the approval of the copyright holders of those programs.

Why open source is not safe?

Daemonpenguin: ”Open source is not automatically more secure than closed source. The difference is with open source code you can verify for yourself (or pay someone to verify for you) whether the code is secure. Anyone who makes a general statement like “Open source software is more secure,” is wrong.

Can you make money off open source software?

The most common way to get revenue from OSS is to provide paid support. MySQL, the leading open source database, derives revenue from selling support subscriptions for their product. Paid support is an effective tool for making profit from open source for a few reasons.