How do you say welcome to your website?

How do you say welcome to your website?

Welcome Message Option 1: A statement of purpose

  1. Tell your users in as few words as possible what they can find and achieve on your website.
  2. Avoid marketing “fluff”.
  3. Keep your welcome statement brief and concise.
  4. Try using a bullet point list – this helps readability – users can grasp the contents more easily.

Why is metadata important for a website?

Your website metadata consists of a page title and meta description for every page. These provide search engines like Google with important information about the content and purpose of each individual page on your website, and help them determine whether your website is relevant enough to display in search results.

Why do you need a compelling web page title?

Your compelling web page title encourages social media sharing. It is your web page title that makes people share your link with their friends and followers. No matter how interesting information your web page contains, unless your web page title doesn’t carry the most important aspect of your web page it is not going to be shared.

What makes a website a website or a webpage?

Web site A website is a collection of linked web pages (plus their associated resources) that share a unique domain name. Each web page of a given website provides explicit links—most of the time in the form of clickable portion of text—that allow the user to move from one page of the website to another.

Where does the web page description go on a website?

That’s why, when writing your web page descriptions, you want to sell the reader the sizzle, not the steak. What is the Website Page Description? The web page description is the text that, under normal circumstances, is displayed directly under the page title in the search engine results pages.

How to write the title of a website?

Break each keyword phrase with a | symbol. This not only appears more professional, but it also makes clearer phrases for a web user and Google to read. One final note to make is that Google will not index any pages with the same keyword phrase within the same website and may consider the site to be using duplicate content.