How do you solve a jug problem?

How do you solve a jug problem?

The water jug problem can be solved with just two jugs – one that can hold 5 litres of water and the other that can hold 3 litres of water, if there is also an unlimited supply of water from a tap and a sink. Show the series of state diagrams that solve this problem.

Which solution is most efficient for solving water jug problem why?

Numerous source codes have been devised for solving Water Jug problems using recursion, searching and sorting algorithms. The solution written using Breadth-First Search is considered to be one of the most optimum solutions.

What is water jug problem explain in brief?

Water pouring puzzles (also called water jug problems, decanting problems, measuring puzzles, or Die Hard with a Vengeance puzzles) are a class of puzzle involving a finite collection of water jugs of known integer capacities (in terms of a liquid measure such as liters or gallons).

What is the goal of water jug problem?

The goal state is (2, n) for any value of n. State Space Representation: we will represent a state of the problem as a tuple (x, y) where x represents the amount of water in the 4-gallon jug and y represents the amount of water in the 3-gallon jug. Note that 0 ≤ x ≤ 4, and 0 ≤ y ≤ 3.

What could be the problem characteristics for a water jug problem?

In the water jug problem in Artificial Intelligence, we are provided with two jugs: one having the capacity to hold 3 gallons of water and the other has the capacity to hold 4 gallons of water. There is no other measuring equipment available and the jugs also do not have any kind of marking on them.

Why is there a problem with water jugs?

The prime challenge in the water jug problem is that these water jugs do not have any calibrations for measuring the intermediate water levels.

What are the assumptions for solving the water jug problem?

We make some assumptions for solving the Water Jug Problem: You can fill any Jug from the pump. You are allowed to pour water from a jug into the ground/bucket. You are allowed to pour water from one jug to another. You can not use any other measuring device or parameters.

Is it possible to fill two water jugs?

Pour water from one jug to another until one of the jugs is either empty or full. We will first see the steps to solve the given problem. If it is possible to fill n liters of water using the two jugs with x and y liters. 2. n%gcd (x,y) is equal to zero.

How to calculate n% GCD for two water jugs?

2. n%gcd (x,y) is equal to zero. Fill x completely. Pour x in y. Empty y if it is full. Check if x is empty or not. If x is not empty, repeat step 3-5. If x is empty, repeat steps 2-5. Stop the process when n litres of water is obtained in any of the two jugs or both.