How do you troubleshoot SSSD?

How do you troubleshoot SSSD?

How to debug SSSD problems

  1. Using the ping command, confirm you can you can contact the servers used when configuring SSSD.
  2. Inspect the system logs /var/log/secure and /var/log/messages for suspicious log messages.
  3. If using TLS, verify that
  4. Enable SSSD debugging output.

What is var log SSSD?

On Fedora/RHEL, debug logs are stored under /var/log/sssd . There is one log file per SSSD process. The services (also called responders) log into a log file called sssd_$service , for example NSS responder logs to /var/log/sssd/sssd_nss. Domain sections log to files called sssd_$domainname.

Can SSSD authenticate against multiple Active Directory domains?

SSSD can use more than one domain at the same time, but at least one must be configured for SSSD to start. Using SSSD domains, it is possible to use several LDAP servers providing several unique namespaces.

How do I restart SSSD?

Configure SSSD to Work with NSS

  1. Open the /etc/sssd/sssd. conf file.
  2. In the [sssd] section, make sure that NSS is listed as one of the services that works with SSSD. [sssd] [… file truncated …]
  3. In the [nss] section, configure how SSSD interacts with NSS. For example:
  4. Restart SSSD. # systemctl restart sssd.service.

How do I refresh SSSD cache?

SSSD stores its cache files in the /var/lib/sss/db/ directory. While using the sss_cache command is preferable, it is also possible to clear the cache by simply deleting the corresponding cache files.

How do I restart Sssd?

What is Sssd enumeration?

“Enumeration” is SSSD’s term for “reading in and displaying all the values of a particular map (users, groups, etc.)”. In most operations, listing the complete set of users or groups will never be necessary. Applications will generally request information about specific users or groups.

How to authenticate with SSSD against LDAP server?

I’ve set up an LDAP server with user accounts. I’ve successfully configured a Rails application to authenticate against this LDAP server. I’m now trying to configure SSSD to authenticate against LDAP, but it doesn’t like the individual user passwords. It exactly matches the output of slappaswd -c {SHA} “that_password”

Can a Rails application authenticate against a LDAP server?

I’ve successfully configured a Rails application to authenticate against this LDAP server. I’m now trying to configure SSSD to authenticate against LDAP, but it doesn’t like the individual user passwords. It exactly matches the output of slappaswd -c {SHA} “that_password” Here are the SSSD logs when I try to su – leopetr4:

How to set up LDAP and Kerberos client authentication?

In User Information, select Use LDAP, and under Authentication, select Use LDAP Authentication. In the LDAP Settings screen, select Use TLS and specify the following: Open the file /etc/sssd/sssd.conf and add the following line: Check man sssd-ldap for more options that are available.

How does SSSD connect to the underlying directory?

When using an Identity Management provider for SSSD, SSSD attempts to connect to the underlying LDAP directory using Kerberos/GSS-API. However, by default, SSSD uses an anonymous connection to an LDAP server to retrieve sudo rules.