How does a pulse generator work?

How does a pulse generator work?

The high-voltage supply and the pulse generator use a circuit where capacitors are charged in parallel from a low-voltage source such as a 12-V battery, then discharged in series to gain a voltage multiplication and produce a high-voltage pulse.

What is pulser circuit?

Description. Here is a simple circuit that can be used to pulse an LED or a low power filament lamp. The effect is such that the LED lights up from OFF state gradually and then dims gradually. Such a circuit is very useful in decoration purposes.

Is a pulse generator circuit?

A pulse generator is either an electronic circuit or a piece of electronic test equipment used to generate rectangular pulses. Pulse generators are used primarily for working with digital circuits, related function generators are used primarily for analog circuits.

What is a 555 pulse generator?

The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit that is used in a variety of timer circuits, pulse generators and oscillator applications. The heart of the module is the 555 timer IC that is wired as an astable multivibrator, generating pulses from about 4Hz to 1.3Khz.

What is the basic difference between square wave and pulse generator?

Although they look “square” on an oscilloscope, pulse output differs from square-wave output in two vital ways: 1. With square-wave output, each square-wave has a 50% duty cycle (motion corresponding to ON = motion corresponding to OFF), and the location of any given edge is a function of encoder position.

How does function generator work?

Simple function generators usually generate triangular waveform whose frequency can be controlled smoothly as well as in steps. This triangular wave is used as the basis for all of its other outputs. The triangular wave is generated by repeatedly charging and discharging a capacitor from a constant current source.

How to make a simple pulse generator circuit?

You can build this simple PWM controlled pulse generator circuit with the help of a single inverter gate, which may be in the form of a single gate from the IC 4093 with its input pins shorted together, or simply a NOT gate. Any one of the total four gates can be used to produce an oscillator with a variable duty-cycle and a set frequency.

What are the functions of a pulse generator?

As a result, many function or arbitrary waveform generators include function generator capabilities, making them multi-purpose test instruments. Pulse generators are used to provide pulses for use in a variety of electronic applications. Typically pulse generators will provide a number of functions and capabilities:

How does R1 work in a pulse generator?

R1 acts as a protective measure in case the P1 is at minimum resistance. This means that the duty-cycle is not 100% variable but a 98% range is perfectly acceptable. The value of the capacitor C1 also determines the frequency of the oscillator as the sum of RC-time constant is the same for both.

How is the amplitude of the pulse generator adjustable?

Pulse delay: When a pulse is triggered it is normal to be able to select a delay for the pulse from the pulse generator. This delay is adjustable. Pulse amplitude: Although the pulse amplitude will normally be required to drive logic circuits, the amplitude is normally adjustable.