How does a synchronous counter work?

How does a synchronous counter work?

In synchronous counter, the clock input across all the flip-flops use the same source and create the same clock signal at the same time. So, a counter which is using the same clock signal from the same source at the same time is called Synchronous counter.

How many states are there in 4-bit Johnson counter?

4-bit Johnson counter: 0000, 1000, 1100, 1110, 1111, 0111, 0011, 0001, 0000. 8 unused states are present.

What is flipflop time?

The D flip-flop captures the value of the D-input at a definite portion of the clock cycle (such as the rising edge of the clock). That captured value becomes the Q output. At other times, the output Q does not change. The D flip-flop can be viewed as a memory cell, a zero-order hold, or a delay line.

What is the operating frequency of a synchronous counter?

Synchronous Up Counter In the above image, the basic Synchronous counter design is shown which is Synchronous up counter. A 4-bit Synchronous up counter start to count from 0 (0000 in binary) and increment or count upwards to 15 (1111 in binary) and then start new counting cycle by getting reset. Its operating frequency is much higher than the

How to create a 4 Bit synchronous down counter?

Synchronous Down Counter Slight changes in AND section, and using the inverted output from J-K flip-flop, we can create Synchronous Down Counter. A 4-bit Synchronous down counter start to count from 15 (1111 in binary) and decrement or count downwards to 0 or 0000 and after that it will start a new counting cycle by getting reset.

Which is the least significant bit in the synchronous counter?

If we see the circuit, the first flip-flop, FFA which is the least significant bit in this 4-bit synchronous counter, is connected to a Logic 1 external input via J and K pin. Due to this connection, HIGH logic across the Logic 1 signal, change the state of first flip-flop on every clock pulse.

Are there any disadvantages to using a synchronous counter?

Although there are many advantages, one major disadvantage of working with Synchronous counter is that it requires a lot of extra logic to perform. Digital clock or pulse generators. Digital Watch and Alarm systems.