How does IPv4 communicate with IPv6?

How does IPv4 communicate with IPv6?

NAT Protocol Translation: In the above diagram, an IPv4 address communicates with the IPv6 address via a NAT-PT device to communicate easily. In this situation, the IPv6 address understands that the request is sent by the same IP version (IPv6) and it responds.

Can IPv6 address connect to IPv4?

2 Answers. Long answer: IPv4 and IPv6 are different protocols. In theory you can connect from IPv6 address to IPv4 service, but you need NAT64 for this and this is primary designed for IPv6 only network.

Which method allows IPv4 and IPv6 to work together?

As dual stack allows hosts to simultaneously reach existing IPv4 and IPv6 contents, it serves as a very flexible coexistence strategy.

What advantages does IPv6 have over IPv4?

More efficient packet processing – Compared with the IPv4, IPv6 contains no IP-level checksum, so the checksum does not need to be recalculated at every router hop. Directed Data Flows – IPv6 supports multicast rather than broadcast.

How is IPv6 used in a computer network?

When two computers use IPv6 and want to communicate with each other and the packet passes through a region that uses IPv4, it is called tunneling. The IPv6 packet is encapsulated in an IPv4 packet, when it enters the region. It leaves the capsule when it exits the region.

How does computer in IPv4 network communicate with…?

The NAT64 boxes translate the traffic from IPv6 to IPv4 allowing clients to reach servers on the IPv4 internet. An extension of this is 464XLAT where the client has a stateless NAT46 allowing IPv4 only applications to send requests via the NAT64.

Can a host run both IPv4 and IPv6?

2 Answers 2. IPv4 and IPv6 are two completely separate protocols, with separate, incompatible packet headers and addressing, and an IPv4-only host cannot directly communicate with an IPv6-only host. The correct way to do this is to dual-stack one or both hosts so that they run both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.

How does tunneling work on an IPv4 network?

Tunneling: Tunneling refers to passing IPv6 data over an IPv4 network by placing the IPv6 packet into the data section of an IPv4 packet, as shown in Figure 4-2. The four main types of tunneling are Manual IPv6-to-IPv4 tunneling encapsulates an IPv6 packet in an IPv4 packet.