How is data passed from controller to view?

How is data passed from controller to view?

The other way of passing the data from Controller to View can be by passing an object of the model class to the View. Erase the code of ViewData and pass the object of model class in return view. Import the binding object of model class at the top of Index View and access the properties by @Model.

How do you pass data from one component to another and display it?

There can be multiple ways of passing data from one component to another :

  1. Using Props. You can use props to pass data from parent to child component.
  2. Using React ContextAPI or State management library like Redux.
  3. Using Props as Callback Function.

What is the difference between ViewData and view bag?

ViewData and ViewBag are used for the same purpose — to transfer data from controller to view. ViewData is nothing but a dictionary of objects and it is accessible by string as key. ViewData is a property of controller that exposes an instance of the ViewDataDictionary class. ViewBag is very similar to ViewData.

ViewData is used to pass the data from the Controller to the corresponding View. Importantly, this data can only be passed from Controller to its corresponding View, not in backward direction.

How to access your model’s data from a controller?

In the Controllers\\MoviesController.cs file examine the generated Details method. The Details method is shown below. The id parameter is generally passed as route data, for example http://localhost:1234/movies/details/1 will set the controller to the movie controller, the action to details and the id to 1.

How can a controller access the Movie Database?

You can use the movie database context to query, edit, and delete movies. Earlier in this tutorial, you saw how a controller can pass data or objects to a view template using the ViewBag object. The ViewBag is a dynamic object that provides a convenient late-bound way to pass information to a view.

What’s the difference between a view and a controller?

As we know Controller is the class whose responsibility is to handle all the HTTP requests and then execute appropriate View. And View gives us the HTML markup that we display to the user. And for displaying anything on the View, there should be some data that is passed from Controller to View.