How long should Tenon be?

How long should Tenon be?

Over time craftsman have developed general rules for properly sizing their mortise and tenon joints, they are: Tenon length: A tenon’s length should be at least five times its thickness. So, a 1/4″-thick tenon should be 1-1/4″ long.

How wide should a breadboard end be?

The breadboard ends are usually 2″ to 3″ wide, but you can make them wider or narrower for larger or smaller panels, if you wish. In either case, make the mortise depth about two-thirds the width of the end piece.

Why do breadboards end?

Breadboard ends serve two purposes. They are a decorative feature, adding an interesting element to the table’s design and they are functional, helping to aid in maintaining the structure and stability of the large center table panels as they naturally expand and contract.

Are breadboards necessary?

Please note that breadboards are NEVER necessary. A properly-milled and constructed panel should generally stay flat under normal conditions, so the only time I add a breadboard end is if I think the design benefits from it visually. Learn to make nice flat panels here. Download our handy quick-reference PDF!

How big should the tenons be on a breadboard?

There’s a rule that tenons in breadboard ends should be 2/3 the length of the width of the breadboard end (minus 1/16in or so at the bottom to account for glue space). Sometimes though, these rules of thumb only work at smaller scales, and don’t take into account other factors.

How big should the ends of a bread board panel be?

Here’s how to plan a panel with bread-board ends. When you figure the overall finished length of the panel, take the breadboard ends into account. The breadboard ends are usually 2″ to 3″ wide, but you can make them wider or narrower for larger or smaller panels, if you wish.

How big does a tenon have to be?

So a 1/4″-thick tenon should be 1-1/4″ long. Of course, if you look at antique furniture, you see this “rule” violated , or maybe the furniture was made before they made the rule. Longer through-tenons are the rule of the day in much 19th and 18th century work. These are wedged tenons, generally.

How big should the mortise be on a breadboard?

Quoting woodmagazine: The breadboard ends are usually 2″ to 3″ wide, but you can make them wider or narrower for larger or smaller panels, if you wish. In either case, make the mortise depth about two-thirds the width of the end piece. —