How many decimal places should be reported?

How many decimal places should be reported?

A suitable rule specifies up to one decimal place and up to two significant digits. When comparing group means or percentages in tables, rounding should not blur the differences between them.

How do you report to two decimal places?

If we want to round 4.732 to 2 decimal places, it will either round to 4.73 or 4.74. 4.732 rounded to 2 decimal places would be 4.73 (because it is the nearest number to 2 decimal places). 4.737 rounded to 2 decimal places would be 4.74 (because it would be closer to 4.74).

What is the maximum number of decimal places in money?

I only know currencies with 2 decimal places but according to this doc from Oracle the ISO standard says 3 decimal places are allowed in a currency.

Does long take decimal values?

Large Integers Long variables can hold numbers from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 through 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Operations with Long are slightly slower than with Integer . If you need even larger values, you can use the Decimal Data Type.

Can money have 3 decimal places?

Not all currencies across the world have two decimal places. Some have zero decimal places (e.g. Japanese yen), some have three decimal places (the dinar in many countries), and in Madagascar the minor unit is one fifth of the major unit so currency would be written to one decimal place.

How to format currency to 0 decimal places?

Set the textbox format as C0, i.e. currency to 0 decimal places: This will be affected by the report Language property – set to en-GB for pounds, as in your example: You can also set the textbox properties, which also gives you the option to set the symbol outside of the report language:

How to format a number or currency field access?

Access provides several predefined formats for number and currency data. The default format is to display the number as entered. Tip You can use the DecimalPlaces property to override the default number of decimal places for the predefined format specified for the Format property. Open the table in Design View.

Is the currency field available in multi currency management?

The Currency field isn’t available when you are using Multicurrency Management. Opens the Purchasing Non-Inventoried Currency Decimals Setup window, where you can define currency decimal places for non-inventoried items. You’ll be able to define decimal places for each currency to which your company has access.

How to set currency decimal places in dynamics?

Enter or select the default number of decimal places to use for entering displaying currency amounts for the selected item. If you are using Multicurrency Management, this field isn’t available; enter default currency decimal places for items in the Item Currency Maintenance window. Go To: Item Currency