How many types of configuration testing are there?

How many types of configuration testing are there?

TYPES OF CONFIGURATION TESTING: The Configuration Testing is categorized into two types: Software Configuration Testing. Hardware Configuration Testing.

What is configuration management in testing?

Continuous Integration. Adhoc Testing. Configuration Management (CM) is a systems engineering process for establishing and maintaining consistency of a product’s performance, functional, and physical attributes with its requirements, design, and operational information throughout its life.

Is there need of configuration testing to develop a software product?

In Software Engineering, Configuration Testing should be given with equal importance like other testing types. Without configuration testing being performed it is difficult to analyze the optimal system performance and also software might encounter compatibility issues that it is supposed to run on.

Which of the following is a type of configuration testing types?

Configuration Testing can also be classified into following 2 types:

  • Client level Testing: Client level testing is associated with the usability and functionality testing.
  • Server level Testing:

What are the different types of configuration testing?

Configuration testing is of 2 types: 1 Software Configuration Testing: Software configuration testing is done over the Application Under Test with various… 2 Hardware Configuration Testing: Hardware configuration testing is typically performed in labs where physical machines… More

When does software configuration begin in a lab?

When the build is released, software configuration begins after passing through the unit test and integration test. Hardware configuration testing is typically performed in labs where physical machines are used with various hardware connected to them.

Why do we say different configurations of hardware and software?

When we say different configurations of hardware & software, it is attributed to multiple operating system versions, browsers, supported drivers, memory sizes, hard drive types, CPU’s, etc. Why This Testing?

Where do you do hardware configuration testing in a lab?

Hardware Configuration Testing: Hardware configuration testing is typically performed in labs where physical machines are used with various hardware connected to them.