How many votes do you need to close debate?

How many votes do you need to close debate?

“Previous Question” Requires a Two-Thirds Majority for Adoption Because the right to discussion is a fundamental right of every member, the motion to close debate requires a two-thirds majority vote. This fact is a basic rule dictated by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

Why is voter suppression a problem in the United States?

While no longer explicitly excluded, voter suppression is a problem in many parts of the country. Some politicians try to win reelection by making it harder for certain populations and demographics to vote.

When does a member move to close debate?

A member that moves to close debate and vote immediately on the main motion is moving to stop discussion. As I just noted, that action needs a two-thirds majority to be adopted. If the motion to close debate receives a two-thirds majority, the group should immediately turn to a vote on the main motion.

Do you say previous question or close debate?

History aside — because the meaning of the term “previous question” is no longer readily apparent — I recommend simply saying “close debate” instead. In my view, most meetings have enough confusion on their own. No need to add more by using terms that most of the group does not understand. 2.

How often can you close a question on Quora?

Users with 3000 reputation can cast up to 50 close votes per day. When a question reaches 5 close votes, it is marked as being Closed, and will no longer accept answers. Users with the same privilege may also vote to reopen questions the same way. Each user may only vote to close and reopen a given question once.

Can a member make a motion to close debate?

Or they want to yell “question” from the back of the room. But the motion to close debate does not have interrupting privileges. If a member wants to move to close debate, she must get in line and seek recognition like any other member waiting to discuss the motion.

What happens when a question is closed on Quora?

Closed questions cannot be answered, but can be edited to make them eligible for reopening. If your question is closed, you will receive private feedback on the reason why it was closed. Questions that are edited within five days of being closed are automatically added to a reopening queue for community review.