How often is OnTriggerEnter called?

How often is OnTriggerEnter called?

3 Answers. That happens because rather than calling Debug. Log once your OnTriggerEnter is called, you are calling it inside the OnGUI. OnTriggerEnter is called only once you enter, which means it does only get called once, whereas OnGUI is called (more than) once per frame, unrelated to any such physic events.

What does OnTriggerEnter mean in unity?

Description. When a GameObject collides with another GameObject, Unity calls OnTriggerEnter. OnTriggerEnter happens on the FixedUpdate function when two GameObjects collide. The Colliders involved are not always at the point of initial contact.

Can an object have two colliders unity?

So basically, doing it this way, will provide you with the requirements you supplied. It will allow a gameobject to contain multiple colliders without having to be each a child object. It will also be able to tell you what collider was hit.

When to call ontrigger on two colliders?

The following are not stated in document but they are from what I observed: If 2 colliders are on same game object, it acts as compound colliders. OnTrigger*** will called once. If each collider is on different game object, such as parent-child (OP’s case). OnTrigger*** will called once for each.

When to call ontriggerenter on all game objects?

When that’s the case, the OnTriggerEnter is called on all game objects involved if you have the OnTriggerEnter () function written in the scripts attached to them. It doesn’t matter with one has the rigidbody, or which one has isTrigger set to true. You can mix and match the settings in any way you want.

Is it called in both Collider object?

I’ve 2 object: a Player and a Bonus object. In both script I’ve “OnTriggerEnter” script. In Player OnTrigger I: Take Bonus value and add it to my Player (health, point, ammo) In Bonus OnTrigger I: Play audio (when take it), Play Particle System and so on… But, it seems it’s called only Player’s OnTriggerEnter Why ?

What to do when ontriggerenter2d is called?

When OnTriggerEnter2D is called, check if the local/this version of that boolean variable is false. If it’s not true then this is the first time OnTriggerEnter2D has been called. Use GetComponent to get the other script then set the boolean variable of the other script to true.