How Remember Me works in mobile app?

How Remember Me works in mobile app?

A “remember me” feature is about keeping some state on the user side, so that when the user comes back to the server, the server will automatically recognise him, and won’t ask for an irksome password entry.

How implement Remember Me functionality in IOS?


  1. Download UICkeyChainStore.
  2. Drag h/m files (2) into project.
  3. Add security framework in build phases.
  4. Add UICKeyChainStore.m to compile sources in build phases.
  5. Import header files into class as needed.

How do you implement remember me in flutter?

The basic idea is when user put their credential in the text field and click on the checkbox to remember me button we have to save their detail in local storage and when users log out from the app we have to retrieve the data from local storage and put in the text field.

How do I keep logged in on Android?

When users log in to your application, store the login status into sharedPreference and clear sharedPreference when users log out. Check every time when the user enters into the application if user status from shared Preference is true then no need to log in again otherwise direct to the login page.

How do you implement remember me in react JS?

Step 1: Saving data in the localStorage

  1. First, we use destructuring assignment to initialize two variables.
  2. Then, we’re calling the localStorage.setItem method to store the value of the “Remember me” option.
  3. Finally, we persist the user name too, but only if the “Remember me” option is set to true.

How does stay signed in work?

When logging in from the website’s main page, you can stay signed in from the next time you access the page by clicking “Stay signed in”. (This function uses cookies.) By doing this, you can conveniently stay signed in without having to enter your login ID and password each time.

How does remember me work on an Android phone?

I would like to implement a “Remember Me” time-limited auto-login type feature on a mobile application (on Android). To start the app, the user must type in a username and password. For convenience, I would like to save the last inputted username and/or password into a file on the phone to avoid having the user re-type it each time.

What is the best way to implement ” Remember Me…?

If the series identifier is present and the hash of the token matches the hash for that series identifier, the user is considered authenticated. A new token is generated, a new hash for the token is stored over the old record, and a new login cookie is issued to the user (it’s okay to re-use the series identifier ).

What’s the purpose of the Remember Me feature?

A “remember me” feature is about keeping some state on the user side, so that when the user comes back to the server, the server will automatically recognise him, and won’t ask for an irksome password entry.

When to use Remember Me on a website?

Use it if you absolutely have to, but you should consider such a session only weakly authenticated and force a new login for anything that could be of value to an attacker. The reason being of course is that your cookies containing your persistent session are so easily stolen.