How similar is CentOS to RHEL?
CentOS is a community-developed and supported alternative to RHEL. It is similar to Red Hat Enterprise Linux but lacks the enterprise-level support. CentOS is more or less a free replacement for RHEL with few minor configuration differences. It comes with an extended support lifecycle ranging from 6 to 7 years.
What is Libgssglue?
libgssglue – Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface Library.
Is CentOS made by Redhat?
CentOS Linux: A community-supported and -produced Linux distro derived from source code released by Red Hat.
Is the CentOS 7 based on RHEL 7?
The pattern changed with CentOS 7, which uses something like a build number: CentOS 7 (1406) is based on RHEL 7.0, CentOS 7 (1503) is based on RHEL 7.1, etc. You’ll find all the details on the CentOS wiki (look for the “Archived Versions” section). Yes. CentOS uses the same major and minor release numbers as the RHEL version they are rebuilding.
Is there an equivalent of Red Hat Linux for CentOS?
According to CentOS website, they use the source code from Red Hat, but I am not clear about what version of Red Hat source code is being used to build each version of CentOS. Is there a numeric equivalent? For example, is CentOS 6.5 equivalent/based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5?
What’s the difference between El 8 and CentOS 8.0?
With EL 8, the entire CentOS build system had to be reconstructed, adding quite a bit more initial delay. CentOS 8.0, for instance, released about 4 months after RHEL 8.0. CentOS 8.1]
Is the CentOS source locked to the upstream RHEL source?
The CentOS community is vast! CentOS remains locked to the upstream RHEL source as far as bug fixes, too. If you open a CentOS ticket reporting an issue, unless it is particular to CentOS (which very few issues are), you’re likely to receive a response along the lines of, “Please open a RHEL ticket at