How to add custom HTML in WooCommerce website?
There can be several scenarios for displaying custom HTML. You may want to add the chart for products of a particular category, a single product or all products. Let’s create a product category called ‘Men’ and display this chart for products of men’s category. We can get all the categories for a product with get_the_terms () function.
How to assign shipping classes in WooCommerce Docs?
To apply these rates to a specific class of products (e.g., bulky or heavy items), you need to assign them. 1/ Go to: WooCommerce > Products. 2/ Select the product, and Edit. 3/ Go to Shipping, and select the Shipping Class from the dropdown. Each product can have one shipping class.
What is the category ID for men in WooCommerce?
Here the category ID for ‘Men’ is 15. So, we check if the current product has a category with the ID of 15. If yes, then we display the content. We can also select the categories by a slug. Instead of using term_id property, we use slug property of the category.
How to change the shipping class of a product?
1/ Go to: WooCommerce > Products. 2/ Select the product, and Edit. 3/ Go to Shipping, and select the Shipping Class from the dropdown. Each product can have one shipping class. 4/ Update the product to save changes.
What is the default category in WooCommerce 3.3?
Since WooCommerce 3.3, there will be a default category. Every product must be assigned to a category, so the default category will be automatically assigned if the product is not assigned to any other category. By default, this category will be named “Uncategorized” and can not be deleted. However, you can rename the category.
How to manage product categories in WordPress themes?
Categories are managed from the Products > Categories screen. Similar to categories on your posts in WordPress, you can add, delete, and edit product categories. Add a Name. Add a Slug (optional); this is the URL-friendly version of the name. Choose a Parent if this is a subcategory. Enter a Description (optional); some themes display this.
How to show product attributes on cart page?
Here are two examples for how to display product attributes on the WooCommerce Cart page. This uses a Woocommerce hook, ‘woocommerce_cart_item_name’, which will make the product attributes appear under the item name on the shopping cart (checkout) page.
Where to find product variations in WooCommerce Docs?
For “Product Data”, select “Variable product”. Then you’ll see the “Variations” tab. In there, click “Add Variation”. See WooCommerce docs regarding Product Variations.
How does a category page work on WooCommerce?
The category page on WooCommerce is in many ways like an aisle or a section of a super-market, where you can buy goods that fall under a particular category. A basic WooCommerce Category page includes the Title (Category Name), description of the category (if added), a sorting filter, followed by the product listing.
How to add text to the category description?
Sometimes, you may come across a use-case where you need to display text above the Category description. The code snippet for this will be different because this will involve removing the category description from showing on the page, displaying the text that you want to, and then printing the category description.
Can You Put your own stamp on a WooCommerce page?
You don’t have to be a developer to put your own stamp on product pages thanks to a few extensions from WooCommerce (and one core WooCommerce feature). The Product Add-Ons extension adds more fields to your product pages so shoppers can customize their purchases.
How to create a size chart on WooCommerce?
The Size Chart for WooCommerce extension adds size charts to product pages — upload your own, or create one in your dashboard. You can opt to display charts in the product details or as a pop-up. If you sell T-shirts, add a size chart with shoulder, chest, and height measurements.
What to do to increase sales on WooCommerce?
Upsells and cross-sells are effective ways to increase customers’ cart sizes and your overall sales. Use Product Recommendations to show customers more of what they’re interested in. Add recommended products based on what’s popular, what’s new, what’s on sale, what completes a look, and more.
How to override the product search form in WooCommerce?
For more info, see: Function get_product_search_form. It then looks for the product search form in the file ‘product-searchform.php’ or uses its default markup. You can override the default WooCommerce template product-searchform.php by customizing the markup. For reference, the default markup is:
Can you edit the WooCommerce child theme template?
You can edit the WooCommerce HTML template just like the functions.php file of the child theme, overwriting the core files to prevent deletion when there’s an update. However, as things don’t work exactly like in the functions.php file if WooCommerce decides to update these files, your customizations might not work anymore.
Why is a shop Page important in WooCommerce?
The shop page is one of the most important pages in WooCommerce. It’s where you display your products to your visitors so it can have a huge effect on your store’s performance. A good shop page can improve user experience, increase conversion rates, and help you generate user engagement.