How to compare regression coefficients across three groups?

How to compare regression coefficients across three groups?

The FAQ at shows how you can compare regression coefficients across three groups using xi and by forming interactions. This can also be done using suest as shown below.

What is the t value of regression coefficient Bf?

The T value is -6.52 and is significant, indicating that the regression coefficient Bf is significantly different from Bm . Let’s look at the parameter estimates to get a better understanding of what they mean and how they are interpreted.

How to use femht as a predictor in regression?

We then use female, height and femht as predictors in the regression equation. split file off. compute female = 0. if gender = “F” female = 1. compute femht = female*height. execute. regression /dep weight /method = enter female height femht. The output is shown below.

How to compare a regression to a predictor?

To Compare Regression Coefficients, Include an Interaction Term. But if you want to compare the coefficients AND draw conclusions about their differences, you need a p-value for the difference. Luckily, this is easy to get. Simply include an interaction term between Sex (male/female) and any predictor whose coefficient you want to compare.

Do you need a p-value to compare regression coefficients?

If you’re just describing the values of the coefficients, fine. But if you want to compare the coefficients AND draw conclusions about their differences, you need a p-value for the difference. Luckily, this is easy to get. Simply include an interaction term between Sex (male/female) and any predictor whose coefficient you want to compare.

How to compare two or more logistic regression models?

If the models were multinomial logistic regressions, you could compare two or more groups using a post estimation command called suest in stata. Suest stands for seemingly unrelated estimation and enables a researcher to establish whether the coefficients from two or more models are the same or not.

How to test the difference between coefficients in Stata?

I want to test whether coefficients in one linear regression are different from each other or whether at least one of them is significantly different from one certain value, say 0, this seems quite intuitive to do in Stata. For example webuse iris reg iris seplen sepwid petlen seplen==sepwid==petlen seplen==sepwid==petlen==0

How to test the difference between coefficients of?

This produces a data frame sorted by the absolute value of the difference in coefficients, i.e.: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.