How to create a web widget in JavaScript?

How to create a web widget in JavaScript?

Create a JavaScript file and name it bootloader.js: In our bootloader, we have more JavaScript code to load the data and the functionality of the widget. In the later chapter, we will see how we can use bootloader to delay loading of the widget which frees the page from loading.

How to create a 3rd party widget in HTML?

In order to demonstrate this, we will need to create an API on the server; and test that the user is able to invoke this API using an embedded widget while remaining on the 3rd party site page.

What are some examples of embeddable widgets in HTML?

For example, if you read a blog post, and it has got a Facebook like button on it, the user expects that when they click the like button, the “like” action is added to her timeline on Facebook, while staying put on the blog post page, and not have to go to the Facebook website.

Can you put a string in a HTML page?

You can see how this is so much nicer to look at. You will get the whitespace included in the string, but since we’re just creating HTML markup, it doesn’t really matter. Now, I can take this string and go ahead and dump it into an existing element in an HTML page.

What can you do with JavaScript in HTML?

You can use JavaScript to provide dynamic customizations to a standard HTML form. This lesson explains some ways that JavaScript is useful when using forms in your web pages and how to handle events and validations before submitting the form data back to your server-side scripts. What is a Form?

How does the Hello World widget work in JavaScript?

In Hello World Widget, JSON data is the link between the server side data and the widget. The JSON data is meant to be created dynamically by server side code and is consumed by the widget residing on the web page. The process of displaying Hello World starts from the parameter “ Hello ” which along with other parameters are passed to the widget.

What are the main functions of a widget?

The main functionality of the widget is to display data based on the data from the server and the parameter passed in the page. The most common data for a web widget is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file format.